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Model Configuration Parameters: Diagnostics

The Diagnostics category includes parameters for configuring the diagnostic behavior when the software detects issues related to solvers and solver settings, such as algebraic loops.


Algebraic loop

Select the diagnostic action to take if Simulink® software detects an algebraic loop while compiling the model.

Minimize algebraic loop

Select the diagnostic action to take if artificial algebraic loop minimization cannot be performed for an atomic subsystem or Model block because an input port has direct feedthrough.

Block priority violation

Select the diagnostic action to take if Simulink software detects a block priority specification error.

Min step size violation

Select the diagnostic action to take if Simulink software detects that the next simulation step is smaller than the minimum step size specified for the model.

Consecutive zero-crossings violation

Select the diagnostic action to take when Simulink software detects that the number of consecutive zero crossings exceeds the specified maximum.

Automatic solver parameter selection

Select the diagnostic action to take if Simulink software changes a solver parameter setting.

State name clash

Select the diagnostic action to take when a name is used for more than one state in the model.

Operating point restore interface checksum mismatch

Use this check to ensure that the interface checksum is identical to the model checksum before loading the OperatingPoint.

These configuration parameters are in the Advanced parameters section.


Allow symbolic dimension specification

Specify whether Simulink propagates dimension symbols throughout the model and preserves these symbols in the propagated signal dimensions.

Allowed unit systems

Specify unit systems allowed in the model.

Units inconsistency messages

Specify if unit inconsistencies should be reported as warnings. Select the diagnostic action to take when the Simulink software detects unit inconsistencies.

Allow automatic unit conversions

Allow automatic unit conversions in the model.

Check undefined subsystem initial output

Specify whether to display a warning if the model contains a conditionally executed subsystem in which a block with a specified initial condition drives an Outport block with an undefined initial condition.

Solver data inconsistency

Select the diagnostic action to take if Simulink software detects S-functions that have continuous sample times, but do not produce consistent results when executed multiple times.

Ignored zero crossings

Select the diagnostic action to take if Simulink detects zero-crossings that are being ignored.

Masked zero crossings

Select the diagnostic action to take if Simulink detects zero-crossings that are being masked.

Block diagram contains disabled library links

Select the diagnostic action to take when saving a model containing disabled library links.

Block diagram contains parameterized library links

Select the diagnostic action to take when saving a model containing parameterized library links.

Initial state is array

Message behavior when the initial state is an array.

Insufficient maximum identifier length

For referenced models, specify the diagnostic action to take when the character length specified in the configuration parameter Maximum identifier length is not sufficient to make global identifiers unique across models.

Combine output and update methods for code generation and simulation

When output and update code is in one function, force the simulation execution order to be the same as the code generation order. For certain modeling patterns, setting this parameter prevents a potential simulation and code generation mismatch. Setting this parameter might cause artificial algebraic loops.

Behavior when pregenerated library subsystem code is missingWhen generating code for a model that contains an instance of a reusable library subsystem with a function interface, specify whether to display a warning or an error when the model cannot use pregenerated library code or pregenerated library code is missing.
Behavior when a matching unit test for subsystem reference is missingWhen using strong unit testing features to verify use of subsystem reference block in model, specify whether to display a warning or error when matching unit test signatures are not found.

FMU Import blocks

When the debug execution mode is enabled, FMU binaries are executed in a separate process.

Arithmetic operations in variant conditions

Specify the diagnostic action to take when arithmetic operations are found in variant conditions.

Variant condition mismatch at signal source and destinationSpecify the diagnostic action to take when there are variant-related modeling issues that may result in unused Simulink variables in the generated code.
Variant activation time inherited from Simulink.VariantControlSpecify the diagnostic action to take when a variant block with its activation time set to inherit from Simulink.VariantControl has no variant control variable of type Simulink.VariantControl.
Variant configuration not used by top model

Specify the diagnostic action to take when Simulink detects during simulation or Variant Manager activation that a top-level model does not use a referenced model for any of the published variant configurations of the referenced model.

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