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Configure and display signal properties

Signals transmit data between two blocks in a simulation. The data could be the calculated output of a block, or simply a message. The value of signals are calculated at all points during the simulation time. You can display the signal data and properties during and after simulation, see the real-time values on a block diagram, or you can log the values as variables in the workspace. Also, you can export the signals to a file or to a workspace to investigate further.

You can control the mathematical behavior of a model by specifying signal characteristics such as numeric data type, initial value, and value range. For more information, see Signal Basics.


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Signal SpecificationSpecify desired dimensions, sample time, data type, numeric type, and other attributes of signal
ICSet initial value of signal
ProbeOutput signal attributes, including width, dimensionality, sample time, and complex signal flag
Rate TransitionHandle transfer of data between blocks operating at different rates
Signal EditorDisplay, create, edit, and switch interchangeable scenarios
Weighted Sample TimeSupport calculations involving sample time
WidthOutput width of input vector
Bus to VectorConvert virtual bus to vector
Signal ConversionConvert signal to new type without altering signal values


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disableimplicitsignalresolutionConvert model to use only explicit signal resolution
signalBuilderToSignalEditorImport signal data and properties from Signal Builder block to Signal Editor block
Simulink.SignalSpecify instance-specific properties of signal or discrete state
Simulink.ValueTypeSpecify common set of signal properties for reuse (Since R2021b)
sltraceAnalyze structure of model by tracing signal sources and destinations (Since R2021b)
highlightHighlight path to signal sources or destinations in model (Since R2021b)
removehighlightRemove highlighting for sltrace.Graph object from model (Since R2021b)


sltrace.GraphSignal path traced using sltrace function (Since R2021b)


Signal PropertiesView and edit signal properties
Instrumentation PropertiesView and edit logging and visualization properties for logged signal
Property InspectorEdit parameters and properties for any Simulink model element
Model Data EditorInspect and edit data items (signals, parameters, and states) in a table that you can sort, group, and filter
Component Interface ViewDisplay component interfaces to trace port connections and author ports

Model Settings

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Signal label mismatchDiagnostic action to take when signal has multiple names through propagation
Unconnected block input portsDiagnostic action to take when block has unconnected input
Unconnected block output portsDiagnostic action to take when block has unconnected output
Unconnected lineDiagnostic action to take when model has unconnected line or unmatched Goto or From block


Get Started with Signals

  • Signal Basics
    Create, configure, identify, and test signals.
  • Signal Types
    Learn about different types of signals, such as control signals and composite signals.
  • Signal Groups
    Test or debug models by creating interchangeable groups of signal data.

Signal Properties

Display Signal Properties

Variable-Size Signals

Featured Examples

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