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Plot data in Simulation Data Inspector


    Simulink.sdi.plot(obj) opens the Simulation Data Inspector and plots the data in the object obj.

    When the input object contains fewer than eight signals, the Simulation Data Inspector layout changes to 1-by-n, where n is the number of signals, and each subplot displays one signal. When the simulation results contain more than eight signals to plot, the Simulation Data Inspector layout changes to 1-by-1, and the plot displays the first signal.


    Simulink.sdi.plot(obj,runName) names the run runName when the data in obj does not already exist as a named run in the Simulation Data Inspector. If the data in obj already exists as a named run in the Simulation Data Inspector, the run is not renamed.

    Simulink.sdi.plot(data,time) plots data with respect to time in the Simulation Data Inspector.


    runObj = Simulink.sdi.plot(___) returns the Simulink.sdi.Run object that corresponds to the plotted data.


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    You can use the Simulink.sdi.plot function to plot simulation results in the Simulation Data Inspector. Open the model vdp, which models the second-order Van der Pol differential equation. For more information about the model, see Van der Pol Oscillator.

    mdl = "vdp";

    The vdp model

    Simulate the model. The model logs two signals: x1 and x2. Simulation results are stored in a single SimulationOutput object named out.

    out = sim(mdl);

    Use the Simulink.sdi.plot function to open the Simulation Data Inspector and plot the results.


    Simulation results are plotted on two vertically aligned subplots in the Simulation Data Inspector. The x1 signal is plotted in the upper subplot. The x2 signal is plotted in the lower subplot.

    You can use the Simulink.sdi.plot function to plot data with respect to time in the Simulation Data Inspector.

    time = 0:0.1:10;
    data = sin(time);

    A single sine wave plotted in the Simulation Data Inspector

    You can also plot an array of data values in the Simulation Data Inspector. The number of rows in the data array must match the length of the time vector. The number of columns in the data array corresponds to how many signals are plotted.

    dataArray = rand(length(time),4);

    Four randomly generated signals plotted in a 4x1 layout in the Simulation Data Inspector

    Input Arguments

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    Data to plot, specified as one of these objects:

    When some or all of the data in a Simulink.SimulationOutput object is in a Simulation Data Inspector run, the plot function opens the Simulation Data Inspector and plots all the signals in the run. When the SimulationOutput object does not correspond to a run in the Simulation Data Inspector, the plot function imports the data into a new run.

    When you use the plot function to plot a single signal, the plot function always imports the data for the signal into a new run.

    Example: plot(out) plots the contents of the Simulink.SimulationOutput object out in the Simulation Data Inspector and opens the Simulation Data Inspector.

    Run name, specified as a string or character vector.

    The software only applies the run name runName to an unnamed run. If a named run with some or all of the data in obj already exists in the Simulation Data Inspector, the run is not renamed. When you create a run by simulating a model that logs data, the run name is automatically generated according to the run-naming rule in the Simulation Data Inspector. You can modify the run-naming rule in the Simulation Data Inspector in the UI or by using the Simulink.sdi.setRunNamingRule function.

    To rename a run, you can use the Name property. For example, myRun.Name = myRunName sets the Name property of the Run object myRun to myRunName. The workspace variable name for the run (myRun) does not change when you set the Name property.

    Sample times, specified as a numeric scalar or vector, or a cell array of date character vectors. The table lists forms for valid date character vectors.

    dd-mmm-yyyy HH:MM:SS01-Mar-2000 15:45:17
    HH:MM:SS PM3:45:17 PM
    HH:MM PM3:45 PM
    mmm.dd,yyyy HH:MM:SSMar.01,2000 15:45:17

    Data Types: double | single | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64 | cell

    Data to plot in the Simulation Data Inspector, specified as a numeric or logical scalar, vector, or multidimensional array. The size of the data argument must correspond to the size of the time argument:

    • When data is a scalar, time must also be a scalar.

    • When data is a vector, time must also be a vector of the same length.

    • When data is a multidimensional array, time must be a vector with a length equal to the number of rows in data.

    Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64 | logical
    Complex Number Support: Yes

    Output Arguments

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    Run that corresponds to plotted data, returned as a Simulink.sdi.Run object.

    Version History

    Introduced in R2019b

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