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Open the Simulation Data Inspector



Simulink.sdi.view opens the Simulation Data Inspector. You can write a script to plot your data and customize the Simulation Data Inspector properties and then use Simulink.sdi.view to see the results.


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You can open the Simulation Data Inspector from the MATLAB® command line to visualize, inspect, and analyze your data.


Create a run, add data to it, and then view the data in the Simulation Data Inspector.

Create Data for Run

Create timeseries objects to contain data for a sine signal and a cosine signal. Give each timeseries object a descriptive name.

time = linspace(0,20,100);

sine_vals = sin(2*pi/5*time);
sine_ts = timeseries(sine_vals,time);
sine_ts.Name = "Sine, T=5";

cos_vals = cos(2*pi/8*time);
cos_ts = timeseries(cos_vals,time);
cos_ts.Name = "Cosine, T=8";

Create Run and Add Data

Use the Simulink.sdi.view function to open the Simulation Data Inspector.


To import data into the Simulation Data Inspector from the workspace, create a Simulink.sdi.Run object using the Simulink.sdi.Run.create function. Add information about the run to its metadata using the Name and Description properties of the Run object.

sinusoidsRun = Simulink.sdi.Run.create;
sinusoidsRun.Name = "Sinusoids";
sinusoidsRun.Description = "Sine and cosine signals with different frequencies";

Use the add function to add the data you created in the workspace to the empty run.


Plot Data in Simulation Data Inspector

Use the getSignalByIndex function to access Simulink.sdi.Signal objects that contain the signal data. You can use the Simulink.sdi.Signal object properties to specify the line style and color for the signal and plot the signal in the Simulation Data Inspector. Specify the LineColor and LineDashed properties for each signal.

sine_sig = getSignalByIndex(sinusoidsRun,1);
sine_sig.LineColor = [0 0 1];
sine_sig.LineDashed = "-.";

cos_sig = sinusoidsRun.getSignalByIndex(2);
cos_sig.LineColor = [1 0 0];
cos_sig.LineDashed = "--";

Use the Simulink.sdi.setSubPlotLayout function to configure a 2-by-1 subplot layout in the Simulation Data Inspector plotting area. Then, use the plotOnSubplot function to plot the sine signal on the top subplot and the cosine signal on the lower subplot.



The sine wave and cosine wave signals plotted in the Simulation Data Inspector. There are two vertically aligned subplots. In the upper subplot, the Sine, T=5 signal is plotted in blue with a dash-dotted line style. In the lower subplot, Cosine, T=8 signal is plotted in red with a dashed line style.

Close Simulation Data Inspector and Save Your Data

When you finish inspecting the plotted signal data, you can close the Simulation Data Inspector and save the session to an MLDATX file.



You can open the Simulation Data Inspector from the Simulink® Editor toolbar with the Simulation Data Inspector button .

Version History

Introduced in R2011b