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Retrieve signal range coverage information from cvdata object


[min,max] = sigrangeinfo(cvdo,modelObject) returns the minimum and maximum signal values output by the model component modelObject within the cvdata object cvdo.

If a signal is variable size, min and max are vectors that contain the minimum and maximum values for each array position. If the array has an unbounded dimension, min and max are single values that represent the minimum and maximum values across all array positions.

[min,max] = sigrangeinfo(cvdo,modelObject,portID) returns the minimum and maximum signal values associated with the output port portID of modelObject.



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This example shows how to extract signal range info from a coverage data object.

Load the model and set up coverage options

Load the model into memory. This example uses a small controller model.

modelName = 'slvnvdemo_cv_small_controller';

Declare coverage settings using a structure of parameter names and values.

covOpts.CovEnable = 'on';
covOpts.CovSaveSingleToWorkspaceVar = 'on';
covOpts.CovSaveName = 'covData';
covOpts.CovMetricSignalRange = 'on';

Simulate the model using sim with the model name and the parameter structure as inputs.

simOut = sim(modelName,covOpts);

Get signal range data

Get the block handle of the Product block using get_param.

bHandle = get_param([modelName,'/Product'],'Handle');

Get the signal range data by calling sigrangeinfo with the cvdata object and the block handle as inputs.

[minVal, maxVal] = sigrangeinfo(covData,bHandle)
minVal =


maxVal =


Input Arguments

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Coverage data, specified as a cvdata object.

Data Types: cvdata

Model object, specified as a character array, string array, Simulink handle, Stateflow ID, or cell array.

To specify a model object, such as a block or a Stateflow chart, use one of these formats:

Object SpecificationDescription


Full path to a model or block


Handle to a model or block


Handle to a Simulink API object


Stateflow ID


Handle to a Stateflow API object from a singly instantiated Stateflow chart

{BlockPath, sfID}

Cell array with the path to a Stateflow chart or atomic subchart and the ID of an object contained in that chart or subchart

{BlockPath, sfObj}

Cell array with the path to a Stateflow chart or subchart and a Stateflow object API handle contained in that chart or subchart

{BlockHandle, sfID}

Cell array with a handle to a Stateflow chart or atomic subchart and the ID of an object contained in that chart or subchart

To specify an S-Function block or its contents, use one of these formats:

Object SpecificationDescription

{BlockPath, fName}

Cell array with the path to an S-Function block and the name of a source file

{BlockHandle, fName}

Cell array with an S-Function block handle and the name of a source file

{BlockPath, fName, funName}

Cell array with the path to an S-Function block, the name of a source file, and a function name

{BlockHandle, fName, funName}

Cell array with an S-Function block handle, the name of a source file, and a function name

To specify a code coverage result, such as coverage data collected during software-in-the-loop (SIL) or processor-in-the-loop (PIL) analysis, use one of these formats:

Object SpecificationDescription

{fileName, funName}

Cell array with the name of a source file and a function name

{Model, fileName}

Cell array with a model name or model handle and the name of a source file

{Model, fileName, funName}

Cell array with a model name or model handle, the name of a source file, and a function name

Data Types: char | string | cell | Stateflow.State | Stateflow.Transition

Output port of the block, specified as a character array or a string array.

Data Types: char | string

Output Arguments

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Minimum signal value output by the model object, returned as a scalar double. If modelObject output is a vector, min is a vector that contains the minimum signal value for each output. If modleObject output is an unbounded variable-size array, min is a single aggregated value that represents the maximum across all array positions.

If a block is not executed, sigrangeinfo returns +Inf for the min value of that block.

If a block is not a leaf block, sigrangeinfo returns an empty array.

Data Types: double

Maximum signal value output by the model object, returned as a scalar double. If modelObject output is a vector, max is a vector that contains the maximum signal value for each output. If modleObject output is an unbounded variable-size array, max is a single aggregated value that represents the maximum across all array positions.

If a block is not executed, sigrangeinfo returns -Inf for the max value of that block.

If a block is not a leaf block, sigrangeinfo returns an empty array.

Data Types: double


Use the coverage settings to collect signal range coverage for a model:

  1. Open the model for which you want to collect signal range coverage.

  2. In the Model Editor, select Model Settings on the Modeling tab.

  3. On the Coverage pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog box, select Enable coverage analysis.

  4. Under Coverage metrics, select Signal Range.

  5. Click OK to close the Configuration Parameters dialog box and save your changes.

  6. Simulate the model by clicking the Run button and review the results.

Version History

Introduced in R2006b

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