Author Requirements
Author requirements in MATLAB and Simulink by using the Requirements Editor or Requirements Perspective.
Add text, images, and keywords to describe requirements. Add child requirements to specify lower-level functionality. You can also add context to your model by showing requirements and descriptions on the Simulink canvas.
Requirements Editor | Create and edit requirements |
Profile Editor | Create and manage profiles with stereotypes and properties |
slreq.ReqSet | Work with requirement sets |
slreq.Requirement | Work with requirement objects |
slreq.clear | Clear requirements and links from memory |
slreq.closeRequirementsManager | Close Requirements Manager app in model (Since R2021a) |
slreq.convertAnnotation | Convert annotations to requirement objects |
slreq.editor | Open Requirements Editor |
slreq.exportViewSettings | Export view settings |
slreq.find | Find requirement, reference, and link set artifacts |
slreq.getCurrentObject | Get selected objects in Requirements Editor, Requirements Browser, or Requirements Table block (Since R2021a) |
slreq.importViewSettings | Import view settings |
slreq.load | Load requirement set or link set | | Create requirement set | | Open requirement set |
slreq.openRequirementsManager | Open Requirements Manager app in model (Since R2021a) |
slreq.refreshCustomizations | Register Requirements Toolbox customizations (Since R2022a) |
slreq.resetViewSettings | Reset saved view settings |
- Author Requirements in MATLAB or Simulink
Create requirements and define the requirement hierarchy with MATLAB or Simulink.
- Define Requirements Hierarchy
Define the parent-child hierarchy for the requirements you associate with your design.
- Requirement Types
Select requirement types.
- Access Frequently Used Features and Commands from the Requirements Editor
Quickly perform actions or run favorite commands from the quick access toolbar in the Requirements Editor.
- Configure Views in the Requirements Editor
Configure the Requirements Editor columns and view a subset of requirements and links by creating a filter based on requirement and link metadata.
- Define Custom Requirement and Link Types and Properties
Customize requirements and links by using custom types and custom attributes, or stereotypes.
- Customize Requirement Index Numbering
Customize or disable the index of an individual requirement.
- Execute Code When Loading and Saving Requirement Sets
Use callbacks to execute code when you load and save requirement sets.
- Create Requirement Set Hierarchies by Using the Requirements Toolbox API
Programmatically create requirement set hierarchies by using the Requirements Toolbox™ API.
- Export Requirement Sets and Link Sets to Previous Versions of Requirements Toolbox
Export requirement and link sets to previous versions of Requirements Toolbox.
- Use Command-Line API to Document Simulink Model in Requirements Editor
Programmatically author and link requirements to document your Simulink model design and create traceability.