returns the quantile loss for the trained quantile neural network regression model
= loss(Mdl
. The function uses the predictor data in the table
and the response values in the
table variable. For more information, see Quantile Loss.
specifies options using one or more name-value arguments in addition to any of the input
argument combinations in previous syntaxes. For example, you can specify the quantiles for
which to return loss values.L
= loss(___,Name=Value
Compute Loss for Quantile Neural Network Regression Model
Compute the quantile loss for a quantile neural network regression model.
Load the carbig
data set, which contains measurements of cars made in the 1970s and early 1980s. Create a table containing the predictor variables Acceleration
, Cylinders
, Displacement
, and so on, as well as the response variable MPG
. View the first eight observations.
load carbig cars = table(Acceleration,Cylinders,Displacement, ... Horsepower,Model_Year,Origin,Weight,MPG); head(cars)
Acceleration Cylinders Displacement Horsepower Model_Year Origin Weight MPG ____________ _________ ____________ __________ __________ _______ ______ ___ 12 8 307 130 70 USA 3504 18 11.5 8 350 165 70 USA 3693 15 11 8 318 150 70 USA 3436 18 12 8 304 150 70 USA 3433 16 10.5 8 302 140 70 USA 3449 17 10 8 429 198 70 USA 4341 15 9 8 454 220 70 USA 4354 14 8.5 8 440 215 70 USA 4312 14
Remove rows of cars
where the table has missing values.
cars = rmmissing(cars);
Categorize the cars based on whether they were made in the USA.
cars.Origin = categorical(cellstr(cars.Origin)); cars.Origin = mergecats(cars.Origin,["France","Japan",... "Germany","Sweden","Italy","England"],"NotUSA");
Partition the data into training and test sets using cvpartition
. Use approximately 80% of the observations as training data, and 20% of the observations as test data.
rng(0,"twister") % For reproducibility of the data partition c = cvpartition(height(cars),"Holdout",0.20); trainingIdx = training(c); carsTrain = cars(trainingIdx,:); testIdx = test(c); carsTest = cars(testIdx,:);
Train a quantile neural network regression model using the carsTrain
training data. Specify MPG
as the response variable. Then, compute the quantile loss using the carsTest
test data.
Mdl = fitrqnet(carsTrain,"MPG");
L = loss(Mdl,carsTest)
L = 3.2199
Retrain the model with standardized numeric predictors, and then compute the test set quantile loss.
newMdl = fitrqnet(carsTrain,"MPG",Standardize=true);
newL = loss(newMdl,carsTest)
newL = 0.9144
The retrained model has a lower quantile loss.
Input Arguments
— Trained quantile neural network regression model
model object
Trained quantile neural network regression model, specified as a RegressionQuantileNeuralNetwork
model object. You can create a
model object by using fitrqnet
— Sample data
Sample data, specified as a table. Each row of Tbl
to one observation, and each column corresponds to one predictor variable. Optionally,
can contain additional columns for the response variable and
the observation weights. Tbl
must contain all of the predictors
used to train Mdl
. Multicolumn variables and cell arrays other than
cell arrays of character vectors are not allowed.
contains the response variable used to trainMdl
, then you do not need to specifyResponseVarName
.If you trained
using sample data contained in a table, then the input data forloss
must also be in a table.If you set
when trainingMdl
, then the software standardizes the numeric columns of the predictor data using the corresponding means (Mdl.Mu
) and standard deviations (Mdl.Sigma
Data Types: table
— Response variable name
name of variable in Tbl
Response variable name, specified as the name of a variable in
. The response variable must be a numeric vector.
You must specify ResponseVarName
as a character vector or cell
array of character vectors. For example, if Tbl
stores the response
variable as Tbl.Y
, then specify ResponseVarName
as "Y"
. Otherwise, the software treats the Y
column of Tbl
as a predictor.
Data Types: char
| string
— Predictor data
numeric matrix
Predictor data, specified as a numeric matrix. By default,
assumes that each row of X
corresponds to one observation, and each column corresponds to one predictor variable.
If you orient your predictor matrix so that observations correspond to columns
and specify ObservationsIn="columns"
, then you might experience a
significant reduction in computation time.
Data Types: single
| double
Name-Value Arguments
Specify optional pairs of arguments as
, where Name
the argument name and Value
is the corresponding value.
Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the
pairs does not matter.
Example: loss(Mdl,Tbl,"Response",Quantiles=[0.25 0.5 0.75])
to compute the quantile loss for the 0.25, 0.5, and 0.75 quantiles.
— Quantiles for which to compute loss
(default) | vector of values in Mdl.Quantiles
Quantiles for which to compute the loss, specified as a vector of values in
. The function returns the loss for each quantile
Example: Quantiles=[0.4 0.6]
Data Types: single
| double
| char
| string
— Loss function
(default) | function handle
Loss function, specified as "quantile"
or a function handle.
— Quantile loss. For more information, see Quantile Loss.Function handle — To specify a custom loss function, use a function handle. The function must have this form:
lossval = lossfun(Y,YFit,W,q)
The output argument
is a numeric scalar.You specify the function name (
is a length-n numeric vector of observed responses, where n is the number of observations inTbl
is a length-n numeric vector of corresponding predicted responses.W
is an n-by-1 numeric vector of observation weights.q
is a numeric scalar in the range [0,1] corresponding to a quantile.
Example: LossFun=@
Data Types: char
| string
| function_handle
— Predictor data observation dimension
(default) | "columns"
Predictor data observation dimension, specified as "rows"
If you orient your predictor matrix so that observations correspond to columns
and specify ObservationsIn="columns"
, then you might experience a
significant reduction in computation time. You cannot specify
for predictor data in a table.
Example: ObservationsIn="columns"
Data Types: char
| string
— Observation weights
nonnegative numeric vector | name of variable in Tbl
Observation weights, specified as a nonnegative numeric vector or the name of a
variable in Tbl
. The software weights each observation in
or Tbl
with the corresponding value in
. The length of Weights
must equal
the number of observations in X
If you specify the input data as a table Tbl
, then
can be the name of a variable in
that contains a numeric vector. In this case, you must
specify Weights
as a character vector or string scalar. For
example, if the weights vector W
is stored as
, then specify it as "W"
By default, Weights
is ones(n,1)
, where
is the number of observations in X
. If you supply weights, then
computes the weighted loss and normalizes the
weights to sum to 1.
Data Types: single
| double
| char
| string
Output Arguments
Quantile Loss
Version History
Introduced in R2024b
See Also
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