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Example Tire Data

The Extended Tire Features for Vehicle Dynamics Blockset™ includes examples that use test data from a midsize 235/45R18 94V passenger car tire. Tests were performed at the Global Center for Automotive Performance Simulation (GCAPS).

Data files from each test are stored in the Tyre Data Exchange Format (TYDEX) v1.3[1]. The data from each unique test procedure and conditions is contained in a separate file. The filename indicates the test type, operating conditions, and sweep direction. For example, the filename combined_2alpha_0gamma_2150fz_n.tdx indicates a combined slip sweep in the negative longitudinal slip direction at 2 degrees alpha (slip angle) and 0 degrees gamma with 2150 Newtons of vertical force. The table summarizes the test procedures and conditions included in the test data.

Test TypeDescriptionFilename PrefixFilename SuffixOperating Conditions

Lateral sweeps

Sweep the slip angle while holding all other operating conditions at steady-state.

Indicates the contribution a tire makes to vehicle cornering behavior.


_p for sweeps in the positive slip angle direction.

_n for sweeps in the negative slip angle direction.

Normal force (N) = 2150, 4300, 5160, 6450

Inclination angle (deg) = -6, 0, 6

Velocity (m/s) = 27.78

Inflation pressure (kPa) = 262

Slip ratio = 0 (free-rolling)

Longitudinal sweeps

Sweep the slip ratio while holding all other operating conditions at steady-state.

Indicates the contribution a tire makes to vehicle driving and braking behavior.


_p for sweeps in the positive slip ratio.

_n for sweeps in the negative slip ratio.

Normal force (N) = 2150, 4300, 5160, 6450

Inclination angle (deg) = -6, 0, 6

Velocity (m/s) = 27.78

Inflation pressure (kPa) = 262

Slip angle (deg) = 0 (straight ahead)

Combined slip sweeps

Sweep the slip ratio while holding all other operating conditions at steady-state. Combined slip is performed with non-zero slip angles.

Indicates the contribution a tire makes to vehicle cornering and accelerating or braking behavior.


_p for sweeps in the positive slip ratio.

_n for sweeps in the negative slip ratio.

Normal force (N) = 2150, 4300, 5160, 6450

Inclination angle (deg) = -6, 0, 6

Velocity (m/s) = 27.78

Inflation pressure (kPa) = 262

Slip angle (deg) = -8, -5, -2, 2


[1] Unrau, H.-J., and Zamow J. TYDEX-Format: Description and Reference Manual. Release 1.3, 1997.

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