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Check if query position is inside selected submap

Since R2021a


isInside = isInsideSubmap(ndtMap pos) check if the query position pos, is inside the selected submap of the NDT map ndtMap.


[isInside,distToEdge] = isInsideSubmap(ndtMap,pos) also returns the distance from the query position to the closest edge of the submap along the X-,Y-, and Z-axes respectively.


collapse all

Load an NDT map from a MAT file.

data = load('ndtMapParkingLot.mat');
ndtMap = data.ndtMapParkingLot;

Select a submap with a specified center and set size.

center = [40 0 0];
sz = [50 50 20];
ndtMap = selectSubmap(ndtMap,center,sz);

Display the extent of the submap.

   15.0000   65.0000  -25.0000   25.0000   -9.1840    5.4975

Check if a query position is inside the submap.

pos1 = [40 0 0]; % near center
[isInside1,distToEdge1] = isInsideSubmap(ndtMap,pos1)
isInside1 = logical

distToEdge1 = 1×3

   25.0000   25.0000    5.4975

pos2 = [66 0 0]; % completely outside
[isInside2,distToEdge2] = isInsideSubmap(ndtMap,pos2)
isInside2 = logical

distToEdge2 = 1×3

    1.0000   25.0000    5.4975

pos3 = [60 0 0]; % inside, 5 meters from edge in x direction
[isInside3,distToEdge3] = isInsideSubmap(ndtMap,pos3)
isInside3 = logical

distToEdge3 = 1×3

    5.0000   25.0000    5.4975

Input Arguments

collapse all

NDT map, specified as a pcmapndt object.

Query position, specified as a 3-element vector of the form [x y z].

Output Arguments

collapse all

Indication of position inside submap, returned as a logical true or false.

Distance from the query position to the closest edge of the submap in the X-, Y-, and Z-axes respectively, returned as a 3-element vector.

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced in R2021a

See Also



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