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(To be removed) Returns camera poses associated to views

The viewSet object and its poses function will be removed in a future release. Use the imageviewset object and its poses function instead. For more information, see Compatibility Considerations.



cameraPoses = poses(vSet) returns the camera poses that correspond to the views contained in the input viewSet object, vSet.

cameraPoses = poses(vSet,viewIds) returns the camera poses that correspond to a subset of views specified by the vector viewIds.


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Create an empty viewSet object.

vSet = viewSet;

Add views to the object.

vSet = addView(vSet,1,'Orientation',eye(3),'Location',[0,0,0]);
vSet = addView(vSet,2,'Orientation',eye(3),'Location',[1,0,0]);

Retrieve the absolute camera poses.

camPoses = poses(vSet);

Input Arguments

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viewSet object.

View IDs, specified as an integer scalar for a single view, or as a vector of integers for a set of views.

Output Arguments

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Camera pose information, returned as a three-column table. The table contains columns for ViewId, Orientation, and Location. The view IDs correspond to the IDs in the viewSet object. The orientations are specified as 3-by-3 rotation matrices and locations are specified as three-element vectors. You can pass the cameraPoses table to the triangulateMultiview and the bundleAdjustment functions.

Version History

Introduced in R2016a

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R2020a: poses function of viewSet object will be removed

The viewSet object and its poses function will be removed in a future release. Instead, manage views and pairwise connections between views of data using use the imageviewset object. Return camera poses associated with views of the imageviewset object using its poses function.