Update a WLAN HE recovery configuration object by interpreting recovered HE-SIG-A and HE-SIG-B information bits.
Generate HE MU Waveform
Create a WLAN HE MU configuration object, setting the allocation index to 0
Generate a WLAN waveform and PPDU field indices for the specified configuration.
Recover L-SIG Bits
Create a WLAN recovery configuration object, specifying an HE MU packet format and the length of the L-SIG field.
Decode the L-SIG field and obtain the orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) information. The recovery configuration object requires this information to obtain the L-SIG length.
Recover the L-SIG bits and related information, making sure that the bits pass the parity check, and update the recovery configuration object with the L-SIG length. For this example we assume a noiseless channel. For more realistic results you can pass the waveform through an 802.11ax™ channel model by using the wlanTGaxChannel
System object™ and work with the received waveform.
Update Recovery Configuration Object with HE-SIG-A Bits
Decode the HE-SIG-A field and recover the HE-SIG-A bits, ensuring that the bits pass the cyclic redundancy check (CRC).
Update the recovery configuration object with the recovered HE-SIG-A bits. Display the updated object. A property value of -1
or 'Unknown'
indicates an unknown or undefined property, which can be updated after decoding the HE-SIG-B common and user fields of the HE MU packet.
cfg =
wlanHERecoveryConfig with properties:
PacketFormat: 'HE-MU'
ChannelBandwidth: 'CBW20'
LSIGLength: 878
SIGBCompression: 0
NumSIGBSymbolsSignaled: 10
LDPCExtraSymbol: 1
PreFECPaddingFactor: 1
PEDisambiguity: 0
GuardInterval: 3.2000
HELTFType: 4
NumHELTFSymbols: 1
UplinkIndication: 0
BSSColor: 0
SpatialReuse: 0
TXOPDuration: 127
HighDoppler: 0
AllocationIndex: -1
NumUsersPerContentChannel: -1
RUTotalSpaceTimeStreams: -1
RUSize: -1
RUIndex: -1
MCS: -1
DCM: -1
ChannelCoding: 'Unknown'
Beamforming: -1
NumSpaceTimeStreams: -1
SpaceTimeStreamStartingIndex: -1
failInterpretation = logical
Update Recovery Configuration Object with HE-SIG-B Common Field Bits
Decode the HE-SIG-B common field, ensuring that all content channels pass the CRC.
Update the recovery configuration object with the recovered HE-SIG-B common field bits and display the updated object. A field returned as -1
or 'Unknown'
indicates an unknown or undefined property value, which can be updated after decoding the HE-SIG-B user field of the HE MU packet.
cfg =
wlanHERecoveryConfig with properties:
PacketFormat: 'HE-MU'
ChannelBandwidth: 'CBW20'
LSIGLength: 878
SIGBCompression: 0
NumSIGBSymbolsSignaled: 10
LDPCExtraSymbol: 1
PreFECPaddingFactor: 1
PEDisambiguity: 0
GuardInterval: 3.2000
HELTFType: 4
NumHELTFSymbols: 1
UplinkIndication: 0
BSSColor: 0
SpatialReuse: 0
TXOPDuration: 127
HighDoppler: 0
AllocationIndex: 0
NumUsersPerContentChannel: 9
RUTotalSpaceTimeStreams: -1
RUSize: -1
RUIndex: -1
MCS: -1
DCM: -1
ChannelCoding: 'Unknown'
Beamforming: -1
NumSpaceTimeStreams: -1
SpaceTimeStreamStartingIndex: -1
failInterpretation = logical
Update Recovery Configuration Object with HE-SIG-B User Field Bits
Decode the HE-SIG-B user field, ensuring that all users pass the CRC.
Update the recovery configuration object with the recovered HE-SIG-B user field bits.
Display the results of interpretation and the third element of the user
wlanHERecoveryConfig with properties:
PacketFormat: 'HE-MU'
ChannelBandwidth: 'CBW20'
LSIGLength: 878
SIGBCompression: 0
NumSIGBSymbolsSignaled: 10
LDPCExtraSymbol: 1
PreFECPaddingFactor: 1
PEDisambiguity: 0
GuardInterval: 3.2000
HELTFType: 4
NumHELTFSymbols: 1
UplinkIndication: 0
BSSColor: 0
SpatialReuse: 0
TXOPDuration: 127
HighDoppler: 0
AllocationIndex: 0
NumUsersPerContentChannel: 9
RUTotalSpaceTimeStreams: 1
RUSize: 26
RUIndex: 3
MCS: 0
DCM: 0
ChannelCoding: 'LDPC'
Beamforming: 0
NumSpaceTimeStreams: 1
SpaceTimeStreamStartingIndex: 1