How to get 'type' of a variable in matlab?

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Hi, We declare many types of variables in matlab such as double, string, symbolic etc. How to get type of a variable?

Accepted Answer

Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski on 15 Nov 2013
Edited: MathWorks Support Team on 27 Nov 2018
To get the data type, or class, of a variable, use the “class” function.
x = 100;
To determine if a variable has a specified data type, use the “isa” function.
tf = isa(x,'double')
For a list of functions that determine if variables have specific attributes, see “is*”.
You also can use the “validateattributes” function, which can validate many classes at once easily.

More Answers (1)

Azzi Abdelmalek
Azzi Abdelmalek on 15 Nov 2013
Steven Lord
Steven Lord on 8 Mar 2021
How are you planning to use that information? There are ways to get access to this information (the whos function is one) but depending what you want to do with that information there may be better / safer alternatives.
ANTONIO RUBIA on 8 Mar 2021
Dear Steven, thank you for your constructive and useful answer. My plan is to use that information in an app environment similar to the Import Data functionality of the Econometric Modeler app. The point is to allow the user to import data from the workspace into the main app by selecting the variables listed on a table by rows, with columns showing different information (name, class, size, etc.).
The function whos you suggested does the job. In my case, something like:
info = evalin('base', 'whos')
collects all the information meant to be reported in the selection table and can be processed programatically in a function. Your suggestion should help clarify M. Sivakumar's earlier question too.
This is already a valid solution, but in case you may have better /safer alternatives, I would definitively love to know more about them.
Thanks !

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