- i am getting error in line
- initialpop = Xmin + (Xmax - Xmin) .* rand(numofparticles, numofdims);
- Error using *
- Inner matrix dimensions must agree.
- please help me
Particle Swarm Optimization help
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I new in matlab i need some help about with a code in matlab. I want make the Particle Swarm Optimization and i want put a mouse click to define a point in space with a window size [min1, max1] and [min2, max2]. Then a cluster consisting of n = 10 particles initialized and searches for the point set initially by the user.
my code is this:
clear all;
numofdims = 30;
numofparticles = 50;
c1 = 2;
c2 = 2;
numofiterations = 1000;
V = zeros(50, 30);
initialpop = V;
Vmin = zeros(30, 1);
Vmax = Vmin;
Xmax = ones(30, 1) * 100;
Xmin = -Xmax;
pbestfits = zeros(50, 1);
worsts = zeros(50, 1);
bests = zeros(50, 1);
meanfits = zeros(50, 1);
pbests = zeros(50, 30);
initialpop = Xmin + (Xmax - Xmin) .* rand(numofparticles, numofdims);
X = initialpop;
fitnesses = testfunc1(X);
[minfit, minfitidx] = min(fitnesses);
gbestfit = minfit;
gbest = X(minfitidx, :);
for i = 1:numofdims
Vmax(i) = 0.2 * (Xmax(i) - Xmin(i));
Vmin(i) = -Vmax(i);
for t = 1:1000
w = 0.9 - 0.7 * (t / numofiterations);
for i = 1:numofparticles
if(fitnesses(i) < pbestfits(i))
pbestfits(i) = fitnesses(i);
pbests(i, :) = X(i, :);
for i = 1:numofparticles
for j = 1:numofdims
V(i, j) = min(max((w * V(i, j) + rand * c1 * (pbests(i, j) - X(i, j))...
+ rand * c2 * (gbest(j) - X(i, j))), Vmin(j)), Vmax(j));
X(i, j) = min(max((X(i, j) + V(i, j)), Xmin(j)), Xmax(j));
fitnesses = testfunc1(X);
[minfit, minfitidx] = min(fitnesses);
if(minfit < gbestfit)
gbestfit = minfit;
gbest = X(minfitidx, :);
worsts(t) = max(fitnesses);
bests(t) = gbestfit;
meanfits(t) = mean(fitnesses);
1 Comment
scorpio 09
on 4 Apr 2014
Answers (2)
Walter Roberson
on 27 Jan 2014
"I want to do this" is not something we can act on. Give us a question. A question about MATLAB. A statement of what you are aiming for is not a question. "Why am I unable to color my graphics input cursor 'Gold' in MATLAB?" is an example of a question. "Why do all my MATLAB programs that start with 'clear all' fail to work?' is a question. "What are some good resources for learning MATLAB?" is a question. "I want a really good cup of Hot Cocoa." is a statement.
Yarpiz / Mostapha Heris
on 13 Sep 2015
A structured and well-commented MATLAB implementation of Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is available to download in the following FEX link:
1 Comment
younes youyou
on 16 Dec 2019
i have this error with this PSO algorithm ? how can i solve it many thanks
Index exceeds matrix dimensions.
Error in Sphere (line 16) z= 2.633*x(1)+2.992*x(2)+3.134*x(3)+3.678*x(4)+3.620*x(5)+2.948*x(6)+1.607*x(7)+2.952*x(8)+3.348*x(9)+3.680*x(10)+3.774*x(11)+2.995*x(12)+3.237*x(13)+1.608*x(14);
Error in pso>@(x)Sphere(x)
Error in pso (line 160) disp ([ 'CostFunction = ' (CostFunction(it))])
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