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Import excel to matlab

4 views (last 30 days)
Ryan Freeman
Ryan Freeman on 18 Jul 2011
I want to import data from excel into matlab. My data is separated into different sheets and I would like to save each sheet into its own variable (it is important that the sheets stay separated, I don't just want to import all the data into a single variable). Does anyone know how to do this?

Answers (1)

Chirag Gupta
Chirag Gupta on 18 Jul 2011
[~, sheets, ~] = xlsfinfo('myfile.xls'); gives a cell array of sheets
for i = 1:length(sheets)
%create variable string
varname = genvarname('data_' sheets{i});
eval('varname = xlsread(''mytest.xls'',sheets{i})');
Ryan Freeman
Ryan Freeman on 18 Jul 2011
Thank you. I am getting an error at the line vername = genvarname ('data_' sheets {i}).
Chirag Gupta
Chirag Gupta on 19 Jul 2011
My bad! it should be:
varname = genvarname( ['data_' sheets{i} ] );

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