Modelling a RC circuit

57 views (last 30 days)
aviran on 22 Jun 2014
Hi, I'm trying to model a RC circuit with two R's and one C in parallel. R1,R2,C are vectors which change at a function of time.
I'm calculating the total impedance of the system and then applying an AC current I=I_0*sin(w*t).
My goal is to measure the voltage, I've tried working in the time- domain and also in the frequency domain but I'm having trouble calculating the voltag. it is expected that I will get a sine wave with a phase shift from the current signal , but from some reason it not what I'm getting.
Also, I want to plot the two signal , the input current and the output voltage on the same graph as a function of time so I could see the time shift between them, I'm guessing that the problem I have with that is that the imaginary part of V is not plotted in matlab and that is the part that is responsible for the phase shift. Is there a way to get pass that?
Here is the code that I wrote :
f=10000;%[Hz]Current frequency
t=[0:(1/Fs):0.1-(1/Fs)];%[sec] one cardiac cycle
Cm=[Cm1,Cm1(end:-1:1)];%[F] Myocardium capacitance through one cardiac cycle
Gm=[Gm1,Gm1(end:-1:1)];%[S] Myocardium conductivity through one cardiac cycle
Gb=[Gb1,Gb1(end:-1:1)];%[S] Blood conductivity through one cardiac cycle
%Calculating the admittacne
%Generating the current applied
V_fft= I_fft./Y_fft;
Thank you so much for you help!
if you think I should rather work with Simulink let me know (:

Answers (1)

Rick Rosson
Rick Rosson on 23 Jun 2014
The circuit is not time-invariant. Yet you are applying techniques, such as the DFT, that apply only to time-invariant systems.
aviran on 23 Jun 2014
You are right. so is there a way to solve a circuit like that? maybe in the time domain?
Ruben Díaz Granero
Ruben Díaz Granero on 27 Apr 2021
Hi! I've a similar problem operating with the FFT but instead of trying to analyze an output singal I want to obtain the impedance. Nevertheless is the same problem. Do you find any solution?

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