Extract number after specific words
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I have an excel file with text and number. In the same cell I have text with value of latitude and longitude value. Exist one method to get numbers, specificing the text.
For example: you extract the number after the word "latitude", you extract number after word "longitude".
Kevin Holly
on 19 Aug 2021
Is the text consistent?
If the string is “latitude30”or “latitude3” for instance, you could use sscanf.
str = "latitude30";
Accepted Answer
on 19 Aug 2021
Edited: DGM
on 19 Aug 2021
Something like this?
C = {'latitude 45,0000','longitude 2,0000';
'latitude 47,5000','longitude 5,0000';
'latitude 50,8000','longitude 10,0000'};
D = regexp(C,'(?<=[latitude |longitude ])\d+,?\d*','match');
D = str2double(reshape(strrep(vertcat(D{:}),',','.'),size(C)))
That's assuming that all the lines are formatted the same and that the comma is the decimal separator.
on 20 Aug 2021
Edited: DGM
on 27 Aug 2021
Without formatting, this is ambiguous.
C = {aa bbb cccccc dddddd, latitude 45,0000 longitude 2,0000;
aaa bbbb cc, latitude 46,00000 longitude 2,00000;
aaaaa bbbbb cccc ddd eeee fffffff, latitude 46,00000 longitude 2,00000 latitude 49,00000 longitude 9,00000}
I'm going to assume it's just a 3x1 array with a double entry on the third line
% extra prefix chars per line
% mixed comma/dot decimal sep
% multiple lat/lon per row
C = { 'aa bbb cccccc dddddd, latitude 45.0500 longitude 2.0500';
'aaa bbbb cc, latitude 46,00000 longitude 2,00000';
'aaaaa bbbbb cccc ddd eeee fffffff, latitude 46,00000 longitude 2,00000 latitude 49,00000 longitude 9,00000'};
D = regexp(C,'(?<=[latitude |longitude ])\d+[,|.]?\d*','match');
D = cellfun(@(x) reshape(x.',2,[]).',D,'uniform',false);
D = str2double(reshape(strrep(vertcat(D{:}),',','.'),[],2))
Note that there are more rows in D than in C, since some lines have multiple entries.
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