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Matrix form for creation and annihilation operator with spins.

16 views (last 30 days)
This might be little geared towards physics but if anyone can help, it would so much helpful for me. So basically I want the matrix form of the following Hamiltonian ., where creates an electron at site i with spin σ which can be up () or down (). For this I need the matrix form of the operators involved. For people who have been working with this type of Hamiltonian are aware that it follows aniti-commutation relations
What I can do now is that I can write the operators without the spin as below but i need help with the above when spin is also involved.
N = 4;
%n = 1:N;
a = diag(sqrt(1:N),1)% Creates matrix with elements of the vector on first super diagonal(i.e 1)
ad = a' %adagger
Is there anyway to do that. How should I go on to create the Hamiltonian for that. Are there any helpful packages to do that. Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you.

Answers (2)

Matt J
Matt J on 17 Sep 2021
Edited: Matt J on 17 Sep 2021
Not sure this will help, but if you can write a function that implements the operator, then his File Exchange offering,
will convert it to matrix form. For example,
fn=@(x) 7*x(1:3)-3*x(4:6); %A function, doesn't have to be anonymous
A=func2mat(fn, ones(6,1));
ans = 3×6
7 0 0 -3 0 0 0 7 0 0 -3 0 0 0 7 0 0 -3

Marc on 3 Apr 2023
Edited: Marc on 5 Apr 2023
Im sure this comes too late but in case someone else has this question aswell (I know I did) I will try to answer it.
Unlike bosons, the Hilbert space for spins is finite dimensional and if you work with states all you require is a 2x2 matrix: ={0 1; 0 0}. The spin algebra for N spins follows using only the kron product that exists in default MATLAB.
For example, for 2 spins we can define spin lowering (raising) opeartors on each site through . On MATLAB we can define a global spin operator S and then act on it with the kron product to divide the Hilbert space into the 2 distinct spin subspaces:
S = diag(1,1); Sd = S'; %local spin lowering and raising operator
sigma1=kron(S,I); sigma1d=sigma1'; %spin operator on site 1, identity of site 2
sigma2=kron(I,S); sigma2d=sigma2'; %identity of site 1, spin operator on site 2
You can immediately extend this to N spins by iterating this process with the usual tensor product identities, namely for site :
where S is the standard 2x2 spin lowering operator and I the identity matrix.
You can check the spin algebra is satisfied in the 2-spin state above by simply calculating the anticommutators
sigma1d*sigma2d+sigma2d*sigma1d; sigma1*sigma2+sigma2*sigma1; sigma1d*sigma2+sigma2*sigma1d
which should yield zeroes for the diagonals and a kronecker delta for the cross terms.




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