i want to plot coupled differential-algebraic equations dy/dt=Sqrt ((1-1/y^4)+log(y)) and z=Abs[(3*c^2)*(4*e^2)/((1-f^2/((3*y^3)^2))*4*(1 - f^2/(12*y^3))). Here c, e, f are constants and their values are known. What type of ode solver should i use.
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The initial value of y at t=0 is 1.005. Also the limits of t are 0 to 0.05.
I want the plot between z and t, also between y and t.
Accepted Answer
Aykut Satici
on 19 Aug 2014
It seems like only the algebraic equation depends on the solution of the differential equation. Therefore, you can first solve the differential equation with a numerical integration routine, such as "ode45".
You can then use this solution to construct the dependent variable "z". Here is a script that does this:
par = [];
y0 = 1.005;
ti = 0; tf = 0.05;
opt = odeset('AbsTol',1.0e-07,'RelTol',1.0e-07);
[t,y] = ode45(@(t,y,par) sqrt( 1-1/y^4 + log(y) ), [ti,tf], y0 ,opt, par);
% The constants
c1 = 1; % c
c2 = 2; % e
c3 = 3; % f
num = 12*c1^2*c2^2;
den = 4*( 1 - (c3^2)./(3*y.^3).^2 ).*( 1 - (c3^2)./(12*y.^3) );
z = abs( num./den );
% Visualize
f = figure(1); clf
plot(t, y)
plot(t, z)
Aykut Satici
on 21 Aug 2014
I am not sure what error you are getting, in particular. But you are probably looking for something like what I have attached.
My code may not be exactly what you want so please check.
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