About first derivative of hankel function at point of my choice..!
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Ritesh Chaurasia
on 20 Sep 2014
Commented: Ritesh Chaurasia
on 20 Sep 2014
I am using "Diff" function to evaluate the first derivative of Besselj,Besselk,Bessely and Besselk at the point of my own choice and getting result but when am using same diff function for diff(besselh(n,1,x)) and diff(besselh(n,2,x)) at my own choice point then i am getting the following error- "the argument should be in numeric"...so how can i get the first derivative of hankel function of first kind and also second kind at my own choice point..!????
Accepted Answer
Image Analyst
on 20 Sep 2014
Assign the bessel function to a variable and then do "whos" on that variable.
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