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Find a real number

4 views (last 30 days)
Íris on 23 Sep 2014
Answered: Image Analyst on 23 Sep 2014
Hi, I'm new to Matlab and I'm trying to find a real number in the range from 10 to 20? I know how to use rand but only from 0. I also have to find an integer in the range from 1 to 10?

Accepted Answer

Mikhail on 23 Sep 2014
Edited: Mikhail on 23 Sep 2014
You can adopt rand function: 10*rand+10 will give you random real number from 10 to 20
randi(10) will give you random integer from 1 to 10
Next time in your question specify that you want a random number.

More Answers (1)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 23 Sep 2014
Did you look at the help for rand()? Here is the first example:
Example 1
Generate values from the uniform distribution on the interval [a, b]:
r = a + (b-a).*rand(100,1);
For you a=10 and b=20 so the formula is:
r = 10 + 10 * rand(1);


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