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How do you inverse fourier transform 2D data only in one direction?

7 views (last 30 days)
My data is in 2D (x and y direction) and I would like to inverse Fourier transform only in the x-direction. (Please see attached for the data).
I thought about using the commands: ifft(Y, n, dim) or ifftn(Y).
But it doesn't seem ideal as these take the IFT of the dimension of the array.
Is there any way about doing this instead of coming up with the equation for this data and taking the integral of it?

Accepted Answer

David Goodmanson
David Goodmanson on 11 Oct 2021
Edited: David Goodmanson on 11 Oct 2021
Hi Gabrielle,
I'm not exactly sure what is meant by 'in the x direction' but it sounds like dimension 2. Anyway,
ifft(Y,[],2) or ifft(Y,[],1)
accomplish that. You will probably want to check and make sure which one is the dimension you intend.

More Answers (1)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 11 Oct 2021
Not sure what that means. Do you just want to go down line by line taking 1-D fft's of each line of the image?
Why do you want to do this anyway? What's the use case (larger context)?


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