How to reference past values?

2 views (last 30 days)
Vert on 16 Oct 2014
Edited: Roger Wohlwend on 16 Oct 2014
how do I reference past values of a function?
as in f(x) = 0.7*(f(x-1))

Answers (1)

Roger Wohlwend
Roger Wohlwend on 16 Oct 2014
Edited: Roger Wohlwend on 16 Oct 2014
In general you have to use a loop for that. However, in your simple case it is not necessary.
f(x) = 0.7^x * f(0)
where f0 is the inition condition.
So if you want a vector with the first n values of the function, use the following Matlab code:
f = 0.7.^(1:n) * f0
where f0 is the initial condition, a scalar.


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