if elseif function not working properly

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Hey, this is my code and it doesnt work if I try to get something in the 3rd or 4th quadrant. Can someone tell me where my mistake is?
function [ romannum ] = quadrant( x,y )
if x>0, y>0
fprintf('Input coordinates will be in quadrant I. \n')
elseif x<0,y>0
fprintf('Input coordinates will be in quadrant II. \n')
elseif x<0,y<0
fprintf('Input coordinates will be in quadrant III. \n')
elseif x>0, y<0
fprintf('Input coordinates will be in quadrant IV. \n')

Accepted Answer

the cyclist
the cyclist on 26 Oct 2014
This syntax
if x>0, y>0
is wrong. It should be
if x>0 & y>0
assuming you mean "and".

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