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How to coloured outline the region I want?

1 view (last 30 days)
I want to highlight/coloured the outline vein at my hand image and I tried many codes but it doesn't work.

Accepted Answer

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 9 Dec 2021

More Answers (1)

yanqi liu
yanqi liu on 8 Dec 2021
Edited: yanqi liu on 9 Dec 2021
yes,sir,may be use some image enhancement to adjust the image
yanqi liu
yanqi liu on 9 Dec 2021
sorry,sir,the code just develop base on the upload image,and the t is just an roi to make hand mask,avoid the background noise
Atifah Samuri
Atifah Samuri on 9 Dec 2021
do you have any code that i can use for different images?

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