delay differential equations using DDE23

2 views (last 30 days)
IISc on 13 Nov 2014
Answered: Pulkit Goyal on 29 Dec 2019
I am working on solution to system of equations of the form ydot=f(y,u) where u is control inputs. The control inputs appear in ydot equations. The control inputs are delayed due to compuational and sampling delays. Thus it is a DDE. Can i use DDE23 to solve these equations. The examples of DDE23 only talk about state delays. Control delays are not described.

Answers (2)

Torsten on 14 Nov 2014
I guess that usually the controls at time t will be autonomous or a function of the state variables at earlier times.
Thus DDE23 can be applied.
Best wishes

Pulkit Goyal
Pulkit Goyal on 29 Dec 2019
If control input delays are a function of state themselves (e.g., in the case of a PID controller), then, the resulting differential equations become neutral delay differential equations. In this case, you can use ddensd in MATLAB to numerically integrate the set of dde.


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