Ignore corrupted tags when writing DICOM file
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We have a pipeline which reads in DICOM files, applies an image mask, and writes them back out. Occasionally, DICOM files have erased or changed VR for which which are irrelevant to us - for example, (0040,9210) LUT Label. The DICOMs are read fine, but when saving back out with the header, this causes an error:
Cannot write dicom ROIs for report. Attribute (0040,9210) has wrong data type.
Deleting this tag would solve the problem, but across different cases we see a variety of tags with apparently corrupted VR's. Is there a general way to ignore this error? Since dicomread has no problem injesting the data, dicomwrite should be able to write it 'as is'.
Simon Chan
on 27 Jan 2022
Did you modify the header before writing it back to the DICOM file?
Each attribute has its own Value Representation, such as Short String for (0040,9210). It would reports wrong data type if you modify it to some other data type and then use function dicomwrite.
I am able to reproduce a similar error if I change the DeviceSerialNumber from its Long String data type '123456' to a number 123456.
Error using dicom_add_attr>validate_data (line 122)
Attribute (0018,1000) has wrong data type.
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