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How can I assign different colors to each plotted line?

5 views (last 30 days)
I have the following code:
>>x=1-by-3 matrix
>>y=3-by-9 matrix
The objective is to plot 9 lines using 3 points for each line. The code does that. However, I'm unable to assign different color to each line. I get the following error message: "Color value must be a 3 element numeric vector"
What am I doing wrong?

Answers (1)

dpb on 3 Dec 2014
Edited: dpb on 4 Dec 2014
At the top level of plot can't pass the array; only a single color vector.
Save the line handles and set their properties...
hL=plot(x,y,'k'); % just so see what happens later...
for i=1:length(hL),set(hL(i),'color',cc(i,:));end
NB: must reference the vector of the row of the colormap array.
Seems like should be able to use the vector syntax but set isn't apparently smart enough--
fails as all other perturbations of syntax I can think of do as well. Documentation demonstrates some string cases like 'Tag' property by no numeric ones so is of no help.
The above presumption against set is wrong; it's bad syntax on my part not clearly interpreting the documentation despite reading the followup sidebar with IA shows, I finally figured out the problem. For posterity, the key is the cell array itself must have the proper dimensions, not the array being held in a cell.
set(hL,{'color'},{cc}) % fails, wrong because size(cc)=[1,1]
Instead use
set(hL,{'color'},mat2cell(cc,length(cc),1)) % success!!
or return the color array (or whatever property in general) as the cell by doing the conversion when creating it--
where used constants for the sizes to minimize parentheses-nesting.
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 3 Dec 2014
You can use set to set multiple different parameters, like 'Color' and 'LineWidth', by passing them in separately, or in cells . But you cannot sort of automatically increment the handles in the same set statement. Here's an illustration:
numberOfElements = 10;
x = 1 : numberOfElements;
numberOfCurves = 8;
y = rand(numberOfElements, numberOfCurves);
hLines = plot(x,y,'k'); % just so see what happens later...
% cm = rand(numberOfCurves, 3); % Random colors.
cm = jet(numberOfCurves); % Predefined "jet" colormap.
for k = 1 : length(hL)
% set(hLines(i), 'Color', cc(i,:), 'LineWidth', 3); % Works
set(hLines(k), {'Color', 'LineWidth'}, {cm(k, :), 3}); % Also works
% This will not work to set all hLines objects at once
% to different colors:
set(hLines, {'Color', 'LineWidth'}, {cm, 3}); % Fails
dpb on 3 Dec 2014
Edited: dpb on 4 Dec 2014
doc set
set(H,pn,MxN_pv) sets n property values on each of m graphics objects, where m = length(H) and n is equal to the number of property names contained in the cell array pn. This allows you to set a given group of properties to different values on each object.
Oh, wait a minute...there's the rub in that the cell content has to be the value and I put into a single cell instead of a cell array...
Going back to OP's example...
>> cc=colormap(hsv(9));
>> for i=1:length(cc),ccc(i,1)={cc(i,:)};end
>> whos ccc
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
ccc 9x1 756 cell
>> hL=plot(rand(3,9),'k-');
>> set(hL,{'color'},ccc)
Joy ensues!!! Works as should...I had kept using
or variations thereon that all still led to size(ccc)=1x1, NOT 9x1 even though content of the cell was length()=9
I'm glad to have finally fingered this out -- I went thru a lot of similar gyrations on the last month's worth of financial records evaluation I did generating a lot of historical views and fixed up a whole series of figures with varying numbers of lines to have consistent coloring across the group. The above would have shortened the code significantly but never figured out where I was making the error until now.
So the end result for clarity and succinctness is one can use
cm = mat2cell(jet(nCurves),nCurves,1);
hLines = plot(x,y,'k');
set(hLines, {'Color', cm);
I've not tested but I presume one can also use something like your last example above and do multiple properties at one time as well.

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