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i have the varriance in this code he said NON I do not know also rol ,rot

2 views (last 30 days)
clear all,
close all;
>> >> importfile('BaryAlt_2014-10-24_17h57.11.csv');
>> d1=0.06;
>> lamda=500*10^-9;
>> x0=0.2;
>> f=6.11;
>> long1=data(:,10);
>> long2=data(:,12);%on defini laxe longeodetal pour le puppil 2
>> x1=long1.*7.4*10^-6./f;
>> lat1=data(:,11);
>> lat2=data(:,13);
>> x2=(long1.*7.4*10^-6./f)+x0;
>> m=x1-x2;%langle d arrive
>> D=std(m)^2;%varriance l angle d arrive
>> >> r0l=D^(-3/5)*(d1^(-1/5)-0.54*x0^(-1/5))*(lamda)^(6/5)*0.36;
>> r0t=D^(-3/5)*(d1^(-1/5)-0.81*x0^(-1/5))*(lamda)^(6/5)*0.36;

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