Error using | "Inputs must have the same size."

3 views (last 30 days)
Hello everybody,
I have made the attached kmeans clustering algorithm for un-predefined number of clusters. It is supposed to update each cluster center until either the cluster memberships are not changed, or the local distortion improvement corresponding to each cluster is less than a threshold. But I receive this error at line 113: Error using | "Inputs must have the same size."
and when I change it to , I get this error: Operands to the and && operators must be convertible to logical scalar values.
Could anyone suggest a solution?

Accepted Answer

Guillaume on 6 Jan 2015
I'm assuming the error comes from this line
if (membership_idx == temp_idx) || (L < 0.7)
and occurs before membership_idx or temp_idx (or both) is not scalar.
You would have to wrap the first expression in all or any depending on the behaviour you want:
if all(membership_idx == temp_idx) || (L < 0.7)
  1 Comment
Negar on 6 Jan 2015
Yes , its true, both membership_idx and temp_idx are vectors. Now its perfectly working. Thank you so much for taking the time!

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