You have to look into the plant transfer function first. On the denominator, the 's' can be factored out. On the numerator, the last term is a 'minus' sign. Thus, the step response of the plant will go into the negative direction.
Gp = 13.11*(s + 37.85)*(s - 35.58)*(s + 0.03922)/(s*(s^2 + 0.06348*s + 0.1765)*(s^2 + 19.91*s + 148.7))
Gp =
13.11 s^3 + 30.27 s^2 - 1.765e04 s - 692.4
s^5 + 19.97 s^4 + 150.1 s^3 + 12.95 s^2 + 26.25 s
tem To make the closed-loop system goes in the positive direction, naturally, the polarity of the proportional control gain has to be reversed. In this example, only the proportional controller is used to demonstrate the concept, Gc = -2.5827e-4.
Gcl =
-0.003386 s^3 - 0.007819 s^2 + 4.56 s + 0.1788
s^5 + 19.97 s^4 + 150.1 s^3 + 12.95 s^2 + 30.81 s + 0.1788
Applying the final value theorem, your can see that the step response of the closed-lopp control system will converge to
, when
. The direction of the system response is successful inverted. Note that PI and PID controllers are not needed to stabilize the plant.