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Changing optimization technique for Gaussian process regression model

8 views (last 30 days)
By default, GPR model uses 'bayesopt' optimizer to optimize the hyperparameters. I wish to use 'particle swarm optimization'
to optimize the hyperparamaters i.e. to minimize the loss function or the MSE. Please help.
clear;clc;close all
x = data001(:,1);
y = data001(:,2);
rng default
gprMdl = fitrgp(x,y,'KernelFunction','squaredexponential',...
ypred = resubPredict(gprMdl);
hold on
hold off

Accepted Answer

Alan Weiss
Alan Weiss on 6 Jul 2022
Alan Weiss
MATLAB mathematical toolbox documentation
Alan Weiss
Alan Weiss on 11 Jul 2022
There are several errors in your setup, but the most important one is this: you are attempting to use particleswarm to choose an integer or categorical variable. But particleswarm is for continuous variables only. It cannot reliably choose a kernel function.
I am truly baffled as to why you are trying so hard to not use the built-in optimizer that is tailor-made for this purpose. But that is your choice.
If you really want to use another optimizer (and I think it is a mistake to do so), you have to use one that allows integer variables. Most likely ga. So you have 5 kernel functions to choose from. Let x(1) be an integer from 1 through 5. You need to map the x(1) variable to the appropriate name, like this:
krnl = KernelFunction {x(1)};
You seem to want to optimize the kernel scale also. According to the documentation of fitrgp, " fitrgp uses the KernelParameters argument to specify the value of the kernel scale parameter, which is held constant during fitting." However, according to the KernelParameters argument documentation, this argument must be "Initial values for the kernel parameters, specified as a vector. " It is just initial values, they are not held constant. So I don't think that you can do what you want to do using ga. Instead, let's optimize the Sigma argument for values between 1e-3 and 10.
Now your data has continuous values for the variables, as you are using regression, not classification. You have to change the cross-validation partition to no stratification.
Your final code is as follows:
X = data001(:,1);
Y = data001(:,2);
KernelFunction = {'exponential','squaredexponential','matern32','matern52','rationalquadratic'};
c = cvpartition(Y,'KFold',5,'Stratify',false);
fobj = @(x)kfoldLoss(fitrgp(X,Y,'CVPartition',c,'KernelFunction',KernelFunction{x(1)},'Sigma',x(2)));
intcon = 1; % intcon is the indicator of integer variables
lb = [1,1e-3]; % set lower bounds
ub = [5,1e1]; % set upper bounds
[sol,fval] = ga(fobj,2,[],[],[],[],lb,ub,[],intcon);
FinalModel = fitrgp(X,Y,'KernelFunction', KernelFunction{sol(1)},'Sigma',sol(2));
I do not understand why you would use this code. I see no advantage over the built-in optimization capabilities of fitrgp. But suit yourself.
Alan Weiss
MATLAB mathematical toolbox documentation
Josh on 14 Jul 2022
Thanks for being generous with your patience to my questions and elaborating on it with some information.
Appreciate for responding. Thank you.

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