Following up on this comment ... Can the equations not be writen in state space form only because it's impractical to do so, or because it's not possible to do so, i.e., the system is not LTI and causal? If the latter, then I'm not sure how the inifity norm is defined? Is there a definition?
If the former, how do you know that the infinity norm of the system is 1?
As far as computing the 2-norm of the input and output goes, I think using norm() is a reasonable approximation as long as (actually, it would be norm*sqrt(sampling period), but the sqrt(sampling period) cancels when computing the ratio)
aa) the system is BIBO stable (actually, I'm not sure if the inifnity norm is even defined for an unstable system, can't recall off hand, but even if it is, it woudn't be too useful)
a) the input has a finite 2-norm
b) the input and ouput are sampled at a fixed rate, which ode45 doesn't do with default settings
c) the output has finite 2-norm, which I think basically means the (square of the?) ouput has to at least approach zero asymptotically.
d) the simualtion is simulated long enough s.t. one can use a finite number of samples of the input and output to estimate the 2-norm of each.
Assuming that the system is LTI, and assuming that its infnity norm is 1, and assuming that the calculation of the 2-norms of the input and output are reasonably approximated, we also must bear in mind that, in general, the infinity norm of the system is NOT the ratio of the 2-norms of the output and input. Rather the infinity norm is an upper bound on this ratio, i.e.,
2-norm(y) <= inf-norm(H)*2-norm(u).
So, the obtained result might be correct after all.