how to replace readcell by xlsread?

7 views (last 30 days)
Pierre on 23 Aug 2022
Commented: Pierre on 23 Aug 2022
I am use to use readcell which seems to be very efficient for specific reading. for example var=readcell(xlx,'Sheet','MAIN','Range',[6,2,6,3]);
Is there a way to use xlsread in a simular way? like var=xlsread(xlx,'Sheet','MAIN','Range',[6,2,6,3]);
I tried and it did not work.
I really need the range to be represented by numbers not letters
Thank you

Accepted Answer

dpb on 23 Aug 2022
Edited: dpb on 23 Aug 2022
"xlsread is not recommended. Use readtable, readmatrix, or readcell instead."
You apparently also did not read the documentation for xlsread -- besides being deprecated, it does NOT use the 'Range' named parameter as argument but the simple argument list form. But, that aside also, it only accepts the Excel range syntax in 'A1:C3' format; it can't interpret the four-vector form of [r1,r2,c1,c2] that the various readXXXX routines can.
To return numeric data, use readmatrix.
If the data are irregular and not all numeric as might be inferred from using readcell, then readtable may be a better choice. Would need to know the content of the spreadsheet and what is intended to be read from it to have precise and accurate answer to the specific case.
Either way, avoid going backwards to xlsread...
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 23 Aug 2022
@Pierre this is good advice. I suggest you follow it. +1 vote.

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