Can I assign a single value to multiple elements of a cell array without a loop

33 views (last 30 days)
For example, I have an array that looks like
myArray =
[3] [] [3] []
I'd like to fill out the empty elements of myArray with zeros, but, obviously, the following doesn't work:
myArray{find(cellfun(@isempty,myArray))} = 0
Obviously, I could write a loop, but there has to be a better way!
Thanks for any suggestions!

Accepted Answer

James Tursa
James Tursa on 17 Feb 2015
Edited: James Tursa on 17 Feb 2015
You almost had the syntax right:
myArray(find(cellfun(@isempty,myArray))) = {0}
Or you can just use logical indexing and skip the find:
myArray(cellfun(@isempty,myArray)) = {0}
  1 Comment
Stephen23 on 18 Feb 2015
Edited: Stephen23 on 18 Feb 2015
The find is completely superfluous and just slows the code down, so use the second version (uses logical indexing ). A slightly faster alternative is to use the overloaded isempty option:
myArray(cellfun('isempty',myArray)) = {0}

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More Answers (1)

Guillaume on 17 Feb 2015
Your main problem is the confusion between () and {}. Secondly, use logical indexing, rather than find:
myArray(cellfun(@isempty, myArray)) = {0};


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