Link to Simulink Model File from m-file

2 views (last 30 days)
Sakthivel Aruchamy
Sakthivel Aruchamy on 12 Oct 2011
I am doing a project in active power filter. I am taking the values from simulink model file and processing the values using algorithm and i have to connect the output of m-file to model file.
Kindly help me in linking m-file to simulink model file.

Answers (2)

Max on 12 Oct 2011
just go through the embedded matlab function available in the simulink will serve the purpose of communicating between the m file and the simulink

TAB on 12 Oct 2011
What is output of your m-file which you want connect with model?
If you want to access variables (data) of your m-file from model, then save the output variables to base workspace. In you model, use 'From Workspace' and 'To Workspace' blocks to access and modify these variables.
Library Browser > Sinks > To Workspace
Library Browser > Sources > From Wprkspace


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