Stiff Differential Equation solver (Euler?)
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Hello, I'm looking for a fixed-step integrating function capable of solving stiff differential equations, with a really small step size (below e-14).
Is this possible? Does MATLAB have one? I couldn't make it work with the built-in ode*() functions.
Anything out there available? Maybe working on the Euler method?
on 8 Oct 2022
Edited: Torsten
on 8 Oct 2022
If "information" in "StraightRun" is a row vector,
for i = 1:numel(T)
[~, information(i,:)] = StraightRun(T(i),Y(i,:));
Of course, your function StraightRun must have the form
function [dy,information] = StraightRun(t,y)
I hope all variables involved (V_A,beta_A,alpha_S,X,Y,N,X_AS,Y_AS,N_AS) are scalar values.
Answers (2)
John D'Errico
on 7 Oct 2022
Edited: John D'Errico
on 7 Oct 2022
You SERIOUSLY do not want to use a standard Euler's method to solve a stiff ODE. You will be wasting your time. Why do you think you want to use Euler here, when better methods are available for stiff problems?
Worse, trying to use a step size of 1e-16 is just asking for numerical problems. This will NEVER be a good idea. Period.
Honestly, seriously, you do NOT want to use a simple forwards Euler method here. I don't know why you think you do. But you DON'T.
Having said all of that, the backwards Euler method is an option.
I won't write the code for you. But the backwards (implicit) Euler method should generally be stable for stiff problems. You may still need a fine step size, but 1e-16 is just obscene.
Do some reading before you proceed, if you really think you need to write this yourself.
Having said all of that, why in the name of god and little green apples do you want to write an ODE solver code yourself? This is especially true if you don't even know the basics of these codes? Use existing code when it is available. Do you think you will write better code than that from professionals who know very well how to do the numerical analysis? Never look to write your own code, unless it is a homework assignment.
In this case, you will want to use tools like ode15s or ode23s.
help ode15s
help ode23s
John D'Errico
on 7 Oct 2022
If there never would have been a complaint had you been able to successfully use ode45, then there cannot possibly be a valid problem if you use ode15s. Both tools are essentially part of the very same suite of codes. The only important factor lies in knowing which code is the correct tool to solve the problem.
Walter Roberson
on 8 Oct 2022
Code for fixed step solvers is at
If this is not able to operate at a fine enough time step then you may need to alter the code to use the symbolic toolbox.
1 Comment
Walter Roberson
on 8 Oct 2022
personally I think it likely that your equations, at least as implemented, have an unavoidable singularity.
- the equations might be wrong
- you might have coded them incorrectly
- the problem might possibly not be solvable using the techniques that you are using
I am a big fan of setting up the equations using the symbolic toolbox, which makes it much easier to follow the equations to be sure that they have been expressed correctly, especially if you use Livescript (better output format). Then use the work flow shown in the first example of odeFunction to convert the symbolic expressions for numeric solutions.
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