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shallow neural network way to extract

11 views (last 30 days)
정민 이
정민 이 on 21 Oct 2022
Edited: Walter Roberson on 5 Jan 2023
I built a shallow neural network in Matlab.
I want to take it outside and use it, but is there a way to extract it with another code?
As I browse, only .m files are extracted, and the created model cannot be imported to other files.

Answers (2)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 21 Oct 2022
Edited: Walter Roberson on 5 Jan 2023
Yes, certainly. A shallow neural network is pretty much just a struct. You can extract the fields and export them in whatever binary or text format that is suitable for your purposes. You can find a description of the properties at network
I would suggest that you are not really interested in the general theoretical question of whether it is possible to get data out of a shallow neural network. I would suggest that really what you are asking is a duplicate of in which you want to know whether there is a way to convert a specific kind of shallow neural network into Onyx network format. As was indicated to you there, Mathworks does not provide such a function.
I have never looked at the structure of Onyx networks, so I do not know how practical it is to convert a shallow network to Onyx format.

Karol P.
Karol P. on 5 Jan 2023
Shallow neural networsk are easy to port manually. I would recommend running this command on your network:
This will generate a function that simulat your shallow network. In practise it will be just a function file with series of simple mathamatical operation and, possibly, explicit loops. Porting it to any other language will be simple. I succefully did it for Python 3.x implemantation. For example for generic matlab data set, you can train network:
[x,t] = bodyfat_dataset;
bodyfatNet = feedforwardnet(10);
bodyfatNet = train(bodyfatNet,x,t);
y = bodyfatNet(x);
And running genFunction(bodyfatNet,'bodyfatFcn'); will create file that perfectly represents your ANN. As you can see it contain only trivial mathematical operation, universal in any sicentific programming language:
function [Y,Xf,Af] = bodyfatFcn(X,~,~)
%BODYFATFCN neural network simulation function.
% Auto-generated by MATLAB, 05-Jan-2023 20:03:49.
% [Y] = bodyfatFcn(X,~,~) takes these arguments:
% X = 1xTS cell, 1 inputs over TS timesteps
% Each X{1,ts} = 13xQ matrix, input #1 at timestep ts.
% and returns:
% Y = 1xTS cell of 1 outputs over TS timesteps.
% Each Y{1,ts} = 1xQ matrix, output #1 at timestep ts.
% where Q is number of samples (or series) and TS is the number of timesteps.
% Input 1
x1_step1.xoffset = [22;118.5;29.5;31.1;79.3;69.4;85;47.2;33;19.1;24.8;21;15.8];
x1_step1.gain = [0.0338983050847458;0.00817494379726139;0.0414507772020725;0.099502487562189;0.0351493848857645;0.0254129606099111;0.0318979266347687;0.0498753117206983;0.124223602484472;0.135135135135135;0.099009900990099;0.143884892086331;0.357142857142857];
x1_step1.ymin = -1;
% Layer 1
b1 = [-4.1688788164517145418;3.9421924254343023719;-0.57836024709106670372;-2.7267031902382474762;0.34123076571202975993;0.86642967283179794791;3.9612324512272656385;3.6322017725241400044;1.0269173063776930732;1.8766051649753006103];
IW1_1 = [-0.013051683830370475192 -0.40864434799490134687 -3.4093327802380102298 2.76724396774887893 -0.093027162630096249529 3.4978642845103053993 0.32983632675776008991 -0.39671040165174920045 -4.162922388295510423 -3.5739684834914360323 -3.4650779694327868974 0.57215487201826187302 0.051545947864942348593;0.8724325338010686659 -4.2206981579094371426 -7.5786952452679008374 -1.1672027680878336309 -1.6476103335786520532 2.8658925750719603798 -0.69730513383429981733 2.9872147037139087367 0.58713929657199170897 3.7184709557831121529 1.7095110287866268628 1.5222350228149608142 1.7167610314621337686;-5.7212715144591257399 -0.52020098314708684839 3.0395733948529395363 0.25306369843645259987 -1.5381181686895804006 -0.12680744032575441693 -0.19003639098014835085 2.2904747696095846266 2.4031499084859055948 0.333434207787930037 1.7975873339642221005 0.43439227612087949471 0.20715853211547052837;2.6504884847548821902 -1.074167437323735097 3.4652021896933487 2.2511893237371078946 -1.8985953939745767727 -2.6851969581156236444 1.8881869624905358584 1.1376311780867540691 -1.3706323507792048666 3.7309552164924513207 6.4030845092061570156 2.364375947677445744 -0.80619261360355443102;-1.9725281695067233834 1.5186659167929952297 -4.1391949111005859052 0.68616648606016827916 -5.9851968227681107138 -2.2433321982141607442 -1.230298259356137569 2.0386085722660549635 0.15633394664609567837 3.462087035982897909 -0.71324170176982781832 -3.806486691435979175 0.14512960530992444208;0.05922882609162639922 -0.74200096501974288632 -1.3078955205228659509 -0.7596626232890700825 0.72608870289072013904 1.2784178430216996958 -0.27709188898229464293 -0.16291462029477538076 0.99369761691639124646 -1.1448616639504127779 0.73218054313546709899 -0.52616293066492758612 -0.21387000219698323877;-1.7184897327703325676 -0.90654155391768087568 1.7373781867653084188 3.6373866032727408815 -2.1378927944345345047 -1.3251670568909215131 1.9696851768284975304 4.45270737058025734 2.840672731294883846 0.325760172910157908 -0.76522827718488595217 -1.4066696338607995731 -0.95431038499267273334;0.046991643251568987472 3.5925164413972696664 -6.4800651801687045861 -2.0420590257136108647 -1.9753967810127166516 -0.93434223792897597161 -2.0023418045476191196 2.1214370668647233309 3.0113476039367146342 -2.7444487476015351213 2.0127420211373934222 -1.0251841129479244419 -1.5184378010576033979;0.19060476453690519683 1.7513918369692982324 0.66275021465404226895 1.4430458277024251768 -2.5263440195316477777 -1.1738479832578336826 -0.44710643227143137546 0.22552135854961619099 -3.7668192606835386727 -2.9319047551023489362 -0.32803915815444395498 -1.7159308933576893352 -3.4566153590778312399;0.97096293624496943231 1.5524899156780680443 -0.024232109175742033713 0.88923409532768604713 5.1223167619529412775 -1.6893845712674291359 1.634784055755800658 -3.8156233192361943551 0.97035322711856064615 -4.0445245599638663947 0.706886878460264656 -0.41308353311699397281 0.55660073486280270405];
% Layer 2
b2 = 0.6105657332883046573;
LW2_1 = [0.86045384182207018675 0.25917492316268486707 -0.0013754261582584470514 -0.0023612870729325351193 -0.25454110944757596391 0.8504138920809453106 0.28849076973762566301 -0.28754348691450903885 -0.010545675420425126151 -0.4509272900288166519];
% Output 1
y1_step1.ymin = -1;
y1_step1.gain = 0.0421052631578947;
y1_step1.xoffset = 0;
% ===== SIMULATION ========
% Format Input Arguments
isCellX = iscell(X);
if ~isCellX
X = {X};
% Dimensions
TS = size(X,2); % timesteps
if ~isempty(X)
Q = size(X{1},2); % samples/series
Q = 0;
% Allocate Outputs
Y = cell(1,TS);
% Time loop
for ts=1:TS
% Input 1
Xp1 = mapminmax_apply(X{1,ts},x1_step1);
% Layer 1
a1 = tansig_apply(repmat(b1,1,Q) + IW1_1*Xp1);
% Layer 2
a2 = repmat(b2,1,Q) + LW2_1*a1;
% Output 1
Y{1,ts} = mapminmax_reverse(a2,y1_step1);
% Final Delay States
Xf = cell(1,0);
Af = cell(2,0);
% Format Output Arguments
if ~isCellX
Y = cell2mat(Y);
% ===== MODULE FUNCTIONS ========
% Map Minimum and Maximum Input Processing Function
function y = mapminmax_apply(x,settings)
y = bsxfun(@minus,x,settings.xoffset);
y = bsxfun(@times,y,settings.gain);
y = bsxfun(@plus,y,settings.ymin);
% Sigmoid Symmetric Transfer Function
function a = tansig_apply(n,~)
a = 2 ./ (1 + exp(-2*n)) - 1;
% Map Minimum and Maximum Output Reverse-Processing Function
function x = mapminmax_reverse(y,settings)
x = bsxfun(@minus,y,settings.ymin);
x = bsxfun(@rdivide,x,settings.gain);
x = bsxfun(@plus,x,settings.xoffset);

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