Matlab Array indixing error
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On Matlab 2022 i have the following error :
Array indices must be positive integers or logical values.
Error in mdl2List>NomBarreMdl (line 1022)
I don't know why it gives me this error because when i use the debugger and i pause on the same line and i use this line on the matlab command it works perfectly. But in the function it doesn't.
on 18 Nov 2022
"so i don't understand why"
Your function assumes that NOM has two or more elements, but does not check this in any way. This is a bug.
Accepted Answer
on 18 Nov 2022
In MATLAB the indices should be posittive integers or logicals. If not it will throw the error which you have shown.
% EXample
A = rand(1,10) ;l
A(1) % no error
A(end) % no error; gives last element
% logica lindexing
idx = A>0.5 ;
A(0.5) % error. Index cannot be fraction
A(0) % error index cannot be 0
So, I suspect in your case, you have a variable on the name end. Check
whos end
Steven Lord
on 18 Nov 2022
Is Nom a char vector or a string?
Nom_char = '#TrAF115kV'
Nom_string = string(Nom_char)
whos Nom_char Nom_string
Nom_char has 10 characters and so asking for the last two characters works.
Nom_string is 1 string and so asking for the last two elements using indexing wouldn't work. I'll show that as the last line of code in this comment. You could retrieve the last two characters of either using extractAfter instead of indexing.
c1 = extractAfter(Nom_char, strlength(Nom_char)-2)
s1 = extractAfter(Nom_string, strlength(Nom_string)-2)
Nom_string(end-1:end) % This doesn't work
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