How to use string as plot arguments
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I was fiddling around a lot: Having two plots, I want to spare some work and define a common string to feed into both plots arguments:
CC = winter(1)
str = '''.''MarkerSize'',12,''Color'',CC(i,:)';
hold on
It just wont't allow me to use the string as shortcut.
I tried eval and other suggestions but nothing helped to convince MATLAB to run the program.
Accepted Answer
on 18 Nov 2022
Edited: Stephen23
on 18 Nov 2022
"It just wont't allow me to use the string as shortcut."
Ugh, that is a really very ugly way to code. Why not just use a much neater comma-separated list:
M = winter(1);
C = {'*', 'MarkerSize',12, 'Color',M};
hold on
Steven Lord
on 18 Nov 2022
Two other approaches involve writing a function that encapsulates the common properties you want to set or changing the default property values before creating the plots. Since that latter approach is demonstrated on that documentation page I'll show the former.
M = winter(1);
f = @(x, y) plot(x, y, '*', 'MarkerSize',12, 'Color',M);
hold on
With this approach if you want to give your user the option to override some of those property values or add in additional name-value pair arguments you could add in the comma-separated list approach from the answer above.
f2 = @(x, y, varargin) plot(x, y, '*', 'MarkerSize',12, 'Color',M, varargin{:});
f2(1:10,1:10, 'Marker', '^', 'LineStyle', '--')
The explicit specification of the Marker as '^' in the f2 call, when passed into plot, comes later in that plot call than the specification of the marker as '*' in the linespec so it "wins".
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