MatlabScript for adding Gaussian Noise

2 views (last 30 days)
john amoo otoo
john amoo otoo on 30 Nov 2022
Commented: Walter Roberson on 1 Dec 2022
Please I have been able to fix my script but ran into an error. Attached is the script for adding a Gaussian Noise to a signal and extracting the features
%% clear
%% does this signals has any NaNs, if so remove
SteadyStateNoneFaultState = rmmissing(SteadyStateNoneFaultState);
Data3Phase0hmsFaultData = rmmissing(Data3Phase0hmsFaultData);
SSTime = SteadyStateNoneFaultState.Time;
SSNFS = SteadyStateNoneFaultState.SteadyStateNoneFaultState;
DPTime = Data3Phase0hmsFaultData.Time;
DPFD = Data3Phase0hmsFaultData.Data3Phase0hmsFaultData;
%% Feature extraction section
for k=1:level+1
signals = Data3Phase0hmsFaultData;
reqSNR = [15]; %noise in dB
sigEner = norm(signals(:,k))^2; % energy of the signals
noiseEner = sigEner/(10^(reqSNR/10)); % energy of noise to be added
noiseVar = noiseEner/(length(signals)); % variance of noise to be added
ST = sqrt(noiseVar); % std. deviation of noise to be added
noise = ST*randn(size(signals)); % noise
noisySig = signals+noise; % noisy signals
% Plot & Observe the data
title('Noise Signal')
%% Let's observe the FFT power spectrum for differences
feat_fault = getmswtfeat(noisySig,32,16,100000);
>> Noisysig
Unrecognized function or variable 'level'.
Error in Noisysig (line 11)
for k=1:level+1
john amoo otoo
john amoo otoo on 1 Dec 2022
Edited: Walter Roberson on 1 Dec 2022
Walter Roberson,please could you look into this. I want to add a scipt to tabulate standard deviation, mean square error and variance.Anyhelp on this
% GETMSWTFEAT Gets the Multiscale Wavelet Transform features, these
% include: Energy, Variance, Standard Deviation, and Waveform Length
% feat = getmswtfeat(x,winsize,wininc,SF)
% ------------------------------------------------------------------
% The signals in x are divided into multiple windows of size
% "winsize" and the windows are spaced "wininc" apart.
% Inputs
% ------
% signals: columns of signals
% winsize: window size (length of x)
% wininc: spacing of the windows (winsize)
% SF: sampling frequency
% Outputs
% -------
% =========================================================================
% REFERENCE: MATLAB CODE: Multi Scale Wavelet Decomposition: Dr. Rami Khushaba
% Email:
% URL: (Matlab Code Section)
function feature_out = getmswtfeat(signals,winsize,wininc,SF)
if nargin < 4
if nargin < 3
if nargin < 2
error('A sliding window approach requires the window size (winsize) as input')
error('A sliding window approach requires the window increment (wininc) as input')
error('Please provide the sampling frequency of this signal')
%% The number of decomposition levels
decomOption = 1;
if decomOption==1
J=8; % Number of decomposition levels set manually here
elseif decomOption==2
J=wmaxlev(winsize,'sym2'); % Number of decomposition levels set based on window size and wavelet family
J=(log(SF/2)/log(2))-1; % Number of decomposition levels set based on sampling frequency (SF)
%% make sure you have some parameters pre-defined
% specify the number of samples
datasize = size(signals,1);
% based on the number of samples, winsize, and wininc, how many windows we
% will have? this is "numwin"
numwin = floor((datasize - winsize)/wininc)+1;
% how many signals (electrodes) are we processing
Nsignals = size(signals,2);
% how many features we plan to extract
NF = 8;
% predefine zeros matrix to allocate memory for output features
%feature_out = zeros(numwin,(J+1)*NF*Nsignals);
feature_out = zeros(numwin,(J+1)*Nsignals);
for dims =1:Nsignals
%% Chop the signal according to a sliding window approach
% allocate memory
feat = zeros(winsize,numwin);
st = 1;
en = winsize;
for i = 1:numwin
feat(1:winsize,i) = x(st:en,:)-mean(x(st:en,:));
st = st + wininc;
en = en + wininc;
%% Multisignal one-dimensional wavelet transform decomposition
dec = mdwtdec('col',feat,J,'sym2');
% Proceed with Multisignal 1-D decomposition energy distribution
if isequal(dec.dirDec,'c')
dim = 1;
[cfs,longs] = wdec2cl(dec,'all');
level = length(longs)-2;
if dim==1
cfs = cfs';
longs = longs';
numOfSIGs = size(cfs,1);
num_CFS_TOT = size(cfs,2);
absCFS = abs(cfs);
absCFS0 = (cfs);
cfs_POW2 = absCFS.^2;
Energy = sum(cfs_POW2,2);
percentENER = zeros(size(cfs_POW2));
notZER = (Energy>0);
percentENER(notZER,:) = cfs_POW2(notZER,:);%./Energy(notZER,ones(1,num_CFS_TOT));
%% or try this version below and tell us which one is the best on your data
% percentENER(notZER,:) = cfs_POW2(notZER,:);
%% Pre-define and allocate memory
tab_ENER = zeros(numOfSIGs,level+1);
tab_VAR = zeros(numOfSIGs,level+1);
tab_STD = zeros(numOfSIGs,level+1);
tab_WL = zeros(numOfSIGs,level+1);
tab_entropy = zeros(numOfSIGs,level+1);
%% Feature extraction section
st = 1;
for k=1:level+1
nbCFS = longs(k);
en = st+nbCFS-1;
%tab_ENER(:,k) = sum(percentENER(:,st:en),2);% energy per waveform
%tab_VAR(:,k) = var(percentENER(:,st:en),0,2); % variance of coefficients
%tab_STD(:,k) = std(percentENER(:,st:en),[],2); % standard deviation of coefficients
%tab_WL(:,k) = sum(abs(diff(percentENER(:,st:en)')))'; % waveform length
%percentENER(:,st:en) = percentENER(:,st:en)./repmat(sum(percentENER(:,st:en),2),1,size(percentENER(:,st:en),2));
prob = percentENER(:,st:en);%./repmat(sum(percentENER(:,st:en),2),1,longs(k)) + eps;
tab_entropy(:,k) = -sum(prob.*log(prob),2);%./size(percentENER(:,st:en),2);
st = en + 1;
%feature_out(:,(1:(NF*(J+1)))+(dims-1)*((J+1)*NF)) =log([tab_ENER tab_VAR tab_STD tab_WL tab_entropy]);
feature_out(:,(1:((J+1)))+(dims-1)*(J+1)) =tab_entropy;
feature_out(:,(1:((J+1)))+(dims-1)*(J+1)) =tab_STD;
feature_out(:,(1:((J+1)))+(dims-1)*(J+1)) =tab_VAR;
feature_out(:,(1:((J+1)))+(dims-1)*(J+1)) =tab_WL;
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 1 Dec 2022
What difficulty are you encountering with the code you have that you commented out?

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