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Create a function handle to a local function from outside of the function

3 views (last 30 days)
Is there any way to create a handle to a local function from a function outside of the current m-file?
Specifically, this is my example func.m:
function lfhs = func()
lfhs = localfunctions;
function tests()
From this I can extract handle to tests(), if I run
>> func_tests = func()
func_tests =
1×1 cell array
but I need to explicitly add call to localfunctions in the function itself, and on top reserve an output for that purpose.
I'd like to be able to create a handle to tests() without adding anything new (i.e., call to localfunctions) to function func(). Is that possible? Obviously str2func('func>tests') or any similar syntax doesn't work.
Alternatively, is there a way to convert the structure returned by functions() back into a working function handle? E.g.,:
>> functions(func_tests{1})
ans =
struct with fields:
function: 'tests'
type: 'scopedfunction'
file: 'C:\...\func.m'
parentage: {'tests' 'func'}
>> ????(ans)
ans =
function_handle with value:
One of the reasons I want to do that would be integartion of unit tests as local functions inside of each individual function, e.g.,:
for fn=["func","etc"]
ftest = createHandleToTest(fn);
ftest(); %Run tests

Answers (1)

Vinayak Choyyan
Vinayak Choyyan on 12 Dec 2022
Hi Robert
As per my understanding, you would like to get function handles outside a m file.
I believe it is not possible to directly get local function handles outside a m file. One way to do this would be to have the functions inside a class. Here is an example
test1.m file
classdef test1
methods (Static)
function func1(obj)
>> obj=test1;
>> k=@obj.func1;
>> k()
a =


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