Clear Filters
Clear Filters

The code works but the values don't match and I can't find the error

1 view (last 30 days)
The code is the following and its objective is to obtain the coordenates of peaks od the signal FINAL whose graphic is attached.
However the values don't match and I can't find the problem .
Can someone help?
ID = 1;
sinal = read_ecg_txt (ID);
Unrecognized function or variable 'read_ecg_txt'.
filtrado = remove_noise(sinal,101);
FINAL = Remove_noise2(filtrado,20);
k = 500;
limiar = 300;
L = length(FINAL);
Picos = [];
a = (k-1)/2;
t = 1;
for i = 1:k:L
if i<(ceil(a))
for q = 1:k
maximo = 0;
if FINAL(q) > maximo
maximo = FINAL(q);
M = q;
Picos(t,1) = maximo;
Picos(t,2) = M;
t = t + 1;
elseif i>(L-(floor(a)))
for q = (L - k):L
maximo = 0;
if FINAL(q) > maximo
maximo = FINAL(q);
M = q;
Picos(t,1) = maximo;
Picos(t,2) = M;
t = t + 1;
for q = (i-(ceil(a))):(i + (floor(a)))
maximo = 0;
if FINAL(q) > maximo
maximo = FINAL(q);
M = q;
Picos(t,1) = maximo;
Picos(t,2) = M;
t = t + 1;
m = 1;
Peaks = [];
for p = 1:(t-1)
if Picos(p,1) > limiar
Peaks(m,1) = Picos(p,1);
Peaks(m,2) = Picos(p,2);
m = m + 1;
Inês Silva
Inês Silva on 19 Jan 2023
Also the variables ID, k and limiar are supposed to be inputs , for rigth now I'm just having them as fixed values since is easier to try and find the problem that way

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Answers (1)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 19 Jan 2023
Moved: Walter Roberson on 22 Jan 2023
read_ecg_txt() remove_noise() Remove_noise2() are missing
for q = 1:k
maximo = 0;
if FINAL(q) > maximo
maximo = FINAL(q);
M = q;
Resetting maximo = 0 each iteration of the loop is suspicious.
Consider using
[maximo, M] = max(FINAL(1:k));
with no loop.
  1 Comment
Inês Silva
Inês Silva on 20 Jan 2023
Moved: Walter Roberson on 22 Jan 2023
But thank you , because of your comment about the fact that the maximum was resetting with ever loop interation, which was something I hadn't realised , I managed to find and fix the problem.

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