Invalid training data. The output size ([1 1 1]) of the last layer does not match the response size ([1 1 1773])

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I am trying for solar power prediction using cnn. It has 6 input features and 1 output. I have tried the following code. But i got the error during training as "Invalid training data. The output size ([1 1 1]) of the last layer does not match the response size ([1 1 1773])".
%% load data
% XTraining & YTraining
input_data = xlsread("forecast_data.xlsx", 1);
len_train = floor(0.8*length(input_data));
XTrain = input_data(1:len_train,1:6);
YTrain = input_data(1:len_train,7);
XTrainReshaped = reshape(XTrain, [len_train 6 1 1]);
YTrainReshaped = reshape(YTrain, [len_train 1 1 1]);
% create convolutional network
Conv1 = convolution2dLayer([1 1], 10, 'NumChannels',1, 'Stride',[1,1], 'Padding',[1 1 1 1], WeightLearnRateFactor=1, ...
BiasLearnRateFactor=1, name='Conv1')
Conv1.Weights = sqrt(2/(9*10)) * randn(1,1,1,10,'single');
Conv1.Bias = randn(1, 1, 10, 'single');
% construct layer
input_data2 = [imageInputLayer([6 1 1])]
layers = [input_data2; convolution2dLayer(1,32); reluLayer; ...
convolution2dLayer(1,64); reluLayer; convolution2dLayer(1,128); reluLayer; dropoutLayer(0.2); ...
fullyConnectedLayer(1); softmaxLayer; regressionLayer];
% training option
opts = trainingOptions('adam', 'MaxEpochs',10, 'InitialLearnRate',0.0001, ...
net = trainNetwork(XTrainReshaped', YTrainReshaped', layers, opts);
Please help me to rectify this error. Also, if possible suggest me a code to run the forecasting.
Thank you in advance.
sastra university
sastra university on 16 Apr 2023
Hi sir,
Thank you for the reply.
numel(unique(YTrainReshaped)) is 1773. Here in this reply, i have attached a file with 200 sample data. Please help me to rectify.
Thank you.

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Answers (1)

Manikanta Aditya
Manikanta Aditya on 28 Apr 2023
As per my understanding, you are getting an error “Invalid training data. The output size ([1 1 1]) of the last layer does not match the response size ([1 1 1773])".
After a quick google search, I found few related references to your error:
I hope this resolves the issue you were facing.


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