Solving stokes flow use pde toolbox
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I would like the solve a stokes flow equation using the matlab PDE-toolbox.
Using an inital guess for the pressure field, the first equation can be solved using the toolbox. This will then give a solution for u that in general does not fullfill the second equation.
I would like to implement a pressure correction to update the pressure field using the second equation and then solve again until the second equation is fullfilled as well. Can someone help me out on this?
Many thanks!!
1 Comment
Precise Simulation
on 22 Feb 2024
You can possibly try to using a potential flow solution with correction for the Kutta condition as described here
Answers (1)
on 13 Jul 2023
Edited: Torsten
on 13 Jul 2023
The (simplified) Navier-Stokes equations need a special numerical treatment and cannot be solved by a general-purpose code like the PDE toolbox.
COMSOL with the fluid dynamics package and ANSYS are the commercial code options, OPENFOAM is a non-commercial alternative.
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