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Single plot title line with multiple text interpreters?

4 views (last 30 days)
I am having trouble with the default latex interpreter changing an underscore(_) to a subscript in a location where I do not want this to happen in a plot title.
filenameHBW = 20220303_F1 ;
title( [ 'HSRL2 Ocean b_b_p Retrieval From' , filenameHBW ] )
In the above example, it is desired to interpret the underscores in b_b_p as subscripts, but it is not desired to interpret the underscore in the variable filenameHBW as a subscript.
What is the simplest way to create title such that the interpreter ignores the underscore in the filenameHBW variable?

Answers (1)

Fangjun Jiang
Fangjun Jiang on 14 Jul 2023
title( [ 'HSRL2 Ocean b_b_p Retrieval From' , strrep(filenameHBW,'_','\_') ] )


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