how to make bode plot in simulink system

203 views (last 30 days)
I have one question about how to make a bode-plot in simulink system.
I made one simulink system using PMSM.
and I want to check system margin using bode-plot.
I tried example simulink system from help desk.
but it was different .
Aslo I know that if there are transfer function, it's possible to make bodeplot easily.
but I don't know the transfer function.
So I ask you.
please let me know.
best regards,

Accepted Answer

Sam Chak
Sam Chak on 7 Sep 2023
You can insert the Bode Plot block in the Simulink model and follow the steps described in this link for visualizing the Bode response of the Model during simulation as shown in the following example. However, your PMSM is a little complicated to me. Generally, you need to mark the signals (right-click the signal and select Linear Analysis Points) to identify the open-loop Input and the open-loop Output. And then on the Linearization Tab (double-click the Bode Plot block), you need to check on the 'Show plot on block open'.
Kyungmin on 18 Sep 2023
This system does not need external data for simulation.
Ayesha on 26 Feb 2024
@Sam Chak, If I want to measure the closed loop response of my system in simulink how can I do that? In my case reference is 0 and I want my system to sweep from 10Hz to 10kHz

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More Answers (1)

Tianyu on 6 Sep 2023
Hi Kim,
Not sure if this is the best way but you can use "Control System Designer" under Simulink app tab.
Click "New plot" and select "New Bode". Then "Add Signal" > "Select signal from model".
Select the input/output signal in your model and plot.


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