I am utilizing the Regression Learner App to develop a model that can adjust my RAW data so that it can accurately predict data accordingly. My question pertains more to the general usage of the tool.
1. When setting my input data, there is an option to reserve a portion of the data for testing. Does this process allocate the learning and testing data randomly, or does it do so sequentially, e.g., using the first few weeks of data for training and the remaining for testing?
2. I have discovered that Gaussian Process Regression (GPR) models yield the best results for my dataset. However, this type of model lacks interpretability. My inputs include Signal Data, Temperature, and Humidity.
If I wish to assess the individual impact of each input on the overall signal, in terms of applying a linear or polynomial correction before the GPR model processing, is this possible? By doing so, I can minimize the amount of data fed into the GPR model, which in turn might provide some interpretability for my overall modeling process.