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Invert Matrix Command

5 views (last 30 days)
andy ganteng
andy ganteng on 15 Nov 2011
A and B are matrices, which A is invers from B. Is there any differences between A=B^-1; A=B.\1; A=inv(B);
coz i have different result from 3 command above
Grzegorz Knor
Grzegorz Knor on 16 Nov 2011
Each row in a matrix w is linearly dependent, so rank(w) = 1.
hold all
for k=2:72
There is no an inverse matrix in this case.
andy ganteng
andy ganteng on 21 Nov 2011

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Accepted Answer

Grzegorz Knor
Grzegorz Knor on 15 Nov 2011
Statement A=B.\1 doesn't calculate an inverse matrix. You probably mean:
B^-1 and inv(B) give the same result. B\eye(size(B)) is a little different, because it uses different algorithm.

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