Implementation of the analytical expression for the magnetic field of a circular current loop and interpretation/representation of the results
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I want to analytically approximate the magnetic field of a few coil arrangements. For this purpose i found a very helpful paper: 20140002333.pdf ( On page 8 of the PDF document are the analytic expressions for the field components of the magnetic field in spherical coordinates:

This is my implementation:
function [B_r,B_theta] = magneticField_circularCoil(I,N,a,r,theta)
%MAGNETICFIELDCOMPONENTS Calculates the magnetic field components B_r and
%B_theta (spherical coordinates)
% B_r: B component in r direction
% B_theta: B component in theta direction
% I: current through conductor
% N: number of coil windings
% a: radius of the coil
% r: distance from the origin (spherical coordinates)
% theta: angle to z-axis (spherical coordinates) IN DEGREES
% Source for used analytic formula:
mu0 = 4.*pi.*1e-7;
alpha2 = a.^2 + r.^2 - 2.*a.*r.*sind(theta);
beta2 = a.^2 + r.^2 + 2.*a.*r.*sind(theta);
k2 = 1 - alpha2./beta2;
C = mu0 * I./pi;
[K_k2,E_k2] = ellipke(k2);
B_r = N.*(C.*a.^2.*cosd(theta))./(alpha2.*sqrt(beta2)) .* E_k2;
B_theta = N.*C./(2.*alpha2.*sqrt(beta2).*sind(theta)) .* ((r.^2+a.^2.*cosd(2.*theta)).*E_k2 - alpha2.*K_k2);
B_phi = 0;
To test the function, I wrote the following code:
%% Analytical calculation of the magnetic field of the Helmholtz coil arrangement %%
% Approximation: The coil diameter is neglected. All windings "in one
% place"
% approximation: The magnetic table top is assumed to act as a perfect
% magnetic "mirror" is assumed.
format compact;
% Radius of the Coil in meters:
a = 0.2;
% Current through Coil in amperes:
I = 5.0;
% Number of Coil windings:
N = 154; % source: datasheet Helmholtz coils
r_test = sqrt(0.2.^2+0.2.^2);
[B_r1,B_theta1] = magneticField_circularCoil(I,N,a,r_test,45.0)
[B_r2,B_theta2] = magneticField_circularCoil(I,N,a,r_test,135.0)
This leads to the following expected results (the magnitude of the resulting field is the same but it's in different directions):
>> Magnetfeld_Helmholtzspule_analytisch
B_r1 =
B_theta1 =
B_r2 =
B_theta2 =
Is my implementation of the field components correct?
And how could I represent the superimposed field of two (or more) coils? I would appreciate any ideas!
Alan Stevens
on 2 Aug 2024
You define beta2 as a.^2 + r.^2 + 2.*a.*r, but the printed text has the 2ar term multiplied by sin(theta) in a similar manner to that for alpha2. (I've no idea if that will solve your problem though!).
Answers (1)
Alan Stevens
on 2 Aug 2024
When I run it I get different signs as well as slightly different magnitudes:
%% Analytical calculation of the magnetic field of the Helmholtz coil arrangement %%
% Approximation: The coil diameter is neglected. All windings "in one
% place"
% approximation: The magnetic table top is assumed to act as a perfect
% magnetic "mirror" is assumed.
format compact;
% Radius of the Coil in meters:
a = 0.2;
% Current through Coil in amperes:
I = 5.0;
% Number of Coil windings:
N = 154; % source: datasheet Helmholtz coils
r_test = sqrt(0.2.^2+0.2.^2);
[B_r1,B_theta1] = magneticField_circularCoil(I,N,a,r_test,45.0)
[B_r2,B_theta2] = magneticField_circularCoil(I,N,a,r_test,135.0)
function [B_r,B_theta] = magneticField_circularCoil(I,N,a,r,theta)
%MAGNETICFIELDCOMPONENTS Calculates the magnetic field components B_r and
%B_theta (spherical coordinates)
% B_r: B component in r direction
% B_theta: B component in theta direction
% I: current through conductor
% N: number of coil windings
% a: radius of the coil
% r: distance from the origin (spherical coordinates)
% theta: angle to z-axis (spherical coordinates) IN DEGREES
% Source for used analytic formula:
mu0 = 4.*pi.*1e-7;
alpha2 = a.^2 + r.^2 - 2.*a.*r.*sind(theta);
beta2 = a.^2 + r.^2 + 2.*a.*r.*sind(theta);
k2 = 1 - alpha2./beta2;
C = mu0 * I./pi;
[K_k2,E_k2] = ellipke(k2);
B_r = N.*(C.*a.^2.*cosd(theta))./(alpha2.*sqrt(beta2)) .* E_k2;
B_theta = N.*C./(2.*alpha2.*sqrt(beta2).*sind(theta)) .* ((r.^2+a.^2.*cosd(2.*theta)).*E_k2 - alpha2.*K_k2);
B_phi = 0;
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