Hi Bon, The reason you are facing this issue is because the directories that you are mentioning in the file are wrong and you should mention the DAEMON line and the SERVER line in the license.dat file. Leverage the following MATLAB answer to update the path and file: https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/101344-why-do-i-receive-license-manager-error-3 Thanks.
HELP with activating license from server for Ubuntu 22.04 R2024b
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I was able to install R2024b to /usr/local/MATLAB/R2024b. I then ran /usr/local/MATLAB/R2024b/bin/ ./MathWorksProductAuthorizer.sh to pick browse for a .LIC file.
I read online to put (below) into the .LIC file.
SERVER MyServer 123456789ABC 27000
DAEMON MLM /usr/local/MATLAB/R2024b/etc/glnxa64/MLM port=XXXXXXX
However, I noticed that directory doesn't exist nor does the MLM executable exist for R2024b. So I tried correcting it to (below). The closest thing I can find is mlMergeExecutable
SERVER MyServer 123456789ABC 27000
DAEMON MLM /usr/local/MATLAB/R2024b/bin/glnxa64/MlMergeExecutable port=XXXXXX
*Note... Our license server is usually for Windows.
What am I doing wrong since everytime I launch MATLAB, it wants me to sign in. The purpose here is to use the license server so that anyone that uses that lab computer, can obtain a license from the server. Please advise.
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